
Solution methods used for reynolds equation Tribology can be explained as 'the science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion and of related subjects and practices'. This tribological behavior can be infuenced by the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the surface and near surface materials. Discovery of Reynolds equation throws light on the effect of pressure distribution in a liquid film lubri- cating bearing. Considering newtonian fluid, negligible inertia and body forces, laminar flow regime, etc., this equation was initially developed. However, later few relaxation on the assumptions are granted to produce a more generalized form through which pressure distribution on the bearing surface for arbitrary film curvature can be determined. Further, with this calculated pressure distribution other parameters such as friction force, flow rates etc, can be obtained easily. Since Reynolds equation is a partial differential equation, therefore it is important to develop solution strategies to solve the Reynolds equation.Three main solution methods are studied and implemented. The solution strategies are compared and each advantage and disadvantage is discussed. At the end an appropriate solution strategy for a journal bearing of some given specification is discussed to determine the pressure distribution.