

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Instructions Follow the instructions in question carefully. A Jupyter notebook along with the output for each cell is expected. Any assignment submitted using other python IDEs are not considered for grading.

Problem Statement: Predict whether the sample is skin or non-skin.

Import the data from Skin Segmentation Dataset (Links to an external site.) after converting text file into CSV and also name the column as per the sequence of the attribute information (2 points) Consider all columns as independent variables and assign to variable X except the last column and consider the last column as dependent variable and assign to variable y. Remove columns which don’t help the problem statement. (1 point) Compute some basic statistical details like percentile, mean, standard deviation of dataset (1 point) Do Feature Scaling on Independent variables (2 points) Split the data into train and test dataset (1 point) Use sklearn library to train on train dataset on random forest and predict on test dataset (3 points) Compute the accuracy and confusion matrix. (2 points)