Using the visitor design pattern to implement code smell detection. The main implementation pulls relevant information from the AST and runs the valuidation tests within the file.
Things it can detect are:
- Long parameter list
- Long method - Statement counts
- Long class - Statement counts
- Message Chain
- Primitive Obsession
- Data Clumps
- Lazy Class
- Data Class
Are they detected accurately? Probably not, however have a poke at the InpectClass and InspectMethod files if you want to change and limit values. Ultimately, this was a university assigment where I went a bit over kill on the design but HEY! its a software engineering course. Anyways, we where graded on our use of Java Parser, which is funny since we are in a software architecture. That logic tho,
Over and out from your !(caped crusader),- sandeepincode