this is mobile version of bat-music-player written in QML with the help of vplay-engine

Primary LanguageQML


this is mobile version of bat-music-player

this app is written in QML/C++ using Qt creator IDE with the help of V-Play engine. To build this project QT version > 5.6 and v-play engine must be installed on your machine. (this program uses taglib for extracting media info, so taglib library should be installed on your system) For Qt https://www.qt.io/download
For v-play https://v-play.net/download/
For taglib http://taglib.org/ See how to setup Android SDK and NDk for first time http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/androidgs.html

Last step- " Now in the main window of qt-creator ide select 'Open Project' and select BAT-PLAYER.pro file done... "

#NOTE: currently this project is in developing/testing mode (there may be bugs in this project)