
Showing nearby places using Google Places API

Primary LanguageJava


Showing nearby places using Google Places API

In this project i will develop an Android Application which displays a set of nearby places of current location in Google Map according to the type entered in the Spinner widget.

This application makes use of Google services like Google Map Android API V2 and Google Places API.

This application is developed in Eclipse (4.2.1) with ADT plugin (23.0.0) and Android SDK (23.0.0) and tested in a real device with Android 4.1.0 .

Follow the Google Map Version 2 Tutorial to Understand This.

Get the API key for Google Maps Android API V2

We need to get an API key from Google to use Google Maps in Android application.

Please follow the given below link to get the API key for Google Maps Android API v2.


Here Are Some ScreenShots:

alt tag

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