
A prototype mobile app implementing features common to multiple OSU Sea Grant projects.

Project Requirements


  1. Ensure that your environment is able to access the above required resources.
  2. Navigate to your development space and run git clone on this repo.
  3. Navigate into the new project directory and run sencha app build to compile project resources.


  1. Navigate to the root of the project directory and run npm install.
  2. Navigate to the ./syntax directory and run


Sencha configuration and internal resources.

The MVC components of the SeaGrant_Proto project.

Unit testing resources. Unit tests are currently unimplemented.

Phonegap's app compilation resources. Custom splash screen is configured here instead of ./app.

Compiled CSS, visual assets.

Siesta UI tests and resources.

Javascript linting resources.

Sencha Touch configuration and internal resources.

Contributors To Date

Michael Freeman
Jacob Broderick
Justin Carr