
q sofa and sofa scoring

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q sofa and sofa scoring def sofa(file): import pandas as pd data=pd.read_table(file,sep="|") result_qsofa = [] for a,b in zip(data["HR"], data["SBP"]): if a>=22 and b<=100: result_qsofa.append(1) else: result_qsofa.append(0) data["qSOFA"]=result_qsofa

#sofa scoring #Platelets < 100 #bilurubin_total >= 2 #Creatinine >= 2 result_sofa= [] for a,b,c in zip(data["Platelets"], data["Bilirubin_total"],data["Creatinine"]): if a>100 and b>=2 and c>=2: result_sofa.append(1) else: result_sofa.append(0) data["SOFA"]=result_sofa #this data frame should be written into a folder with