Customizable React Bezier Curve editor for easings. Default styling inspired by cubic-bezier
import { BezierCurveEditor } from 'react-bezier-curve-editor`;
Name | Description | Default value |
size |
This defines the width and the height of the control. | 200 |
The final width/height of the component will be slightly larger because of the outerAreaSize and spacings |
outerAreaSize |
The extra height above and below the editor. This is necessary for creating elastic curves | 50 |
outerAreaColor |
The background color of the outer area | #fafafa |
innerAreaColor |
The background color of the actual editor area | #ffffff |
rowColor |
The background color of the rows in the editor area | #f2f2f2 |
strokeWidth |
The width of the bezier curve stroke | 2 |
curveLineColor |
The stroke color of the bezier curve | #000 |
fixedHandleColor |
The background color of the curve fixed curve handle colors (start and end point) | #fff |
handleLineColor |
The stroke color of the handle lines. This also affects the stroke of the fixed handles | #969696 |
startHandleColor |
The color of the start point curve handle | #f08 |
endHandleColor |
The color of the end point curve handle | #0ab |
startHandleClassName |
The className of the start handle | |
startHandleActiveClassName |
Class to apply for active state of start handle | |
endHandleClassName |
The className of the end handle | |
endHandleActiveClassName |
Class to apply for active state of end handle | |
value |
The current bezier curve value | [.4,0,1,.6] |
onChange |
The onChange handler (takes bezier curve value array as parameter) |