
Example(42) complete set of Puppet Modules

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Released under the terms of Apache2 licence.

Copyright example42 GmbH (and specific commits authors)

Official website: http://www.example42.com

Official Support forum: Google Groups

These modules are maintained by different people, either from example42 of other companies.


Example42 modules have been delevoped over the years following Puppet's evolution.

There are currently 3 generations of example42 modules:

  • "OLD" modules (Version 1.x) are no more supported or recommended. They are supposed to work also on Puppet versions before 2.6 You can give them a look using the 1.0 branch of this repo.

  • "NextGen" modules (Version 2.x) are currently the most common. They are compatible only with Puppet version 2.6 and later. They work also with Puppet 4 but they are not optimised for it: note that their core design dates back to 2011, so don't blame us if they don't follow the latest best practices in modules development.. You find them here as git submodules. For a NextGen only modules collection use the 2.0 branch.

  • Version 3.x modules are updated versions of version 2.x modules without some of their legacy solutions (such as the usage of the params_lookup() function). They are currently under development and testing, you find them here as git submodules Some of the 2.x modules have been deprecated and are no longer maintained.


You can get the current module set, with both 2.x and 3.x modules with:

git clone --recursive git://github.com/example42/puppet-modules.git

You can get the 2.x only modules collection with:

git clone --recursive -b 2.0 git://github.com/example42/puppet-modules.git

You can get the 1.x only modules with:

git clone --recursive -b 1.0 git://github.com/example42/puppet-modules.git

You can use the Puppet Playground to test these (and other) modules on a safe Vagrant environment.

Since September 2013 most of the modules are published, and regularly updated, on the Puppet Forge.

Use the Puppet module tool to query and install Example42 modules:

    puppet module search example42


When you want to update the modules with the upstream version remember that also the submodules have to be updated:

cd /etc/puppet/modules # Or the dir where you have your local git repo

git pull origin master
git submodule init
git submodule update

If you want to force an update on each submodule, even if not tracked on the main repo:

git submodule foreach git pull origin master

The above commands (excluded the first cd and included the last) are done by the script:


** DO NOT UPDATE IN PRODUCTION !!! ** To preserve freedom to reorganize modules and keep them updated this repo is going to keep track of the most current versions of the various modules. This can introduce backwards incompatibilities when a module is converted to the new major version (for example when 1.x have been completely removed or 2.x modules are converted to 3.x).


All the modules have a Modulefile where dependencies are described.

All the NextGen (2.x) modules require the presence in the $modulepath of the 'puppi' module, but you are not required to use Puppi (the dependency is for some extra functions prresent in the puppi module, which can be used even without including puppi in your manifests).

PuppetLabs' stdlib may be required in some cases.

Most of the modules have a limited set of dependencies and, in some cases, you can pass a specific option (install_dependencies => false) to skip the inclusion of dependent classes from the Example42 set (in these cases you are supposed to provide the same resources in other ways).

If you enable the monitor or firewall options you have to include the relevant modules: respectively, monitor + the used monitor tool and firewall + iptables.

Note that monitor and firewall integrations are optional.


Currently most of the modules are tested on the following Operating systems:

  • RedHat / Centos versions 5 and 6

  • Scientific Linux version 6

  • Debian 6 and 7

  • Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04

Some of the modules have support for:

  • OpenSuse 11 and 12

  • Suse Enterprise Linux 11

  • Solaris 11

Most of the modules are expected to work on:

  • Amazon Linux 3

  • Fedora

  • Mint

If you need support or better testing for specific operating systems and versions the best thing you can do is to provide an usable Vagrant Base box for the Example42 Puppet Playground.


Pull requests via GitHub are welcomed, please review the general style and logic of the modules in order to submit consistent patches. These modules are intended to be used anywhere without any modification of their content: if you have to change them to suit your needs either they have some bugs or missing features or you're using them in the wrong way.

Please provide patches puppet-lint compliant and, where possible, provide rspec unit tests.

If you have a module not present in this set based on the Example42 templates, feel free to provide a a link to its repo url, we can add it as submodule.


3.x modules have these differences:

  • params_lookup function is removed, use Puppet 3 data bindings to data input alternatives

  • some parameters names are changed, according to stdmod namings


Tiny Puppet is a single module, developed by example42, that can be used to manage virtually any application.

It's based on the experience and the usage and reusability patterns we have explored, during the years, while writing our modules.

Under some points of view it can be considered as a single replacement for ALL the example42 modules, at least for their common functionality.

The deprecrated example42 modules can be replaced by the usage of Tiny Puppet (or other third party modules).

For basic management of package/service/configuration file of applications, we recommend the usage of Tiny Puppet over our deprecated modules.


Modules code, issue tracking and features requests are on GitHub

For questions, suggestions and general discussion use the Example42 Puppet Modules Google group

If you need a specific module, improvements or conversion to 3.x of an existing one consider the possibility to sponsor it

If you want to co-maintain of our modules, please contact us.