Recruitment Web Application




This recruitment app uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • ReactJS
  • React-router-dom (React routing v4)
  • Babel (for ES6 and JSX)
  • Webpack
  • Webpack-dev-server
  • React-toastify (for toasts)
  • PubSub.js (for events)
  • Moment (for dates)
  • Underscore (for escaping and unescaping HTML Entities)
  • Validator (for form validation)



This app requires Node.js to run.

Install the dependencies and dev-dependencies.

$ yarn install

Run webpack to compile and bundle our javascript, compile sass, copy images etc. The package.json has a script yarn run build.

$ yarn run build

The app will be available on localhost:8080



This app requires Node.js to run.

Install the dependencies and dev-dependencies.

$ yarn install

If you want to deploy the app not in the root folder of the server, you will have to change the publicPath property in to /path/to/app/location/app/

Run webpack to compile and bundle our javascript, compile sass, copy images etc. The package.json has a script yarn run build:prod.

$ yarn run build:prod

The app will be generated under /dist folder. The contents of this app can be copied to a server (don't copy /src folder). Install all the normal dependencies (not dev) on your server using the package.json and the command

$ yarn install --production

To test out the production build you could navigate into the /dist folder

$ cd dist

Here you can run the app. You can choose the port by adding the -p flag. You will have to have http-server globally installed`

$ http-server -p 3000