
Open Data Census website and dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Open Data Census Dashboard

Visualizations and data procesing for the Open Data Census.

This also includes various ancillary information providing an overview of what is happening with release of open government data around the world (and initiatives related to it).

Background and Resources

Read the Project README and Overview.

How it works technically

Census is being performed at 2 different levels:

  • Country level
  • City / regional level

The set of datasets asked about for each level are different but the questions asked per dataset are very similar.

We use google spreadsheets as a backend for the Open Data Census. Data is stored in 3 different spreadsheets:

For historical reasons the raw data from the Country and City census arrive in different forms. We aim to get

We attempt to have a common form to the results spreadsheet.

  1. Submissions - this is raw data from form submissions
  2. Normalized - raw submissions data but in normalized form (standard headings)
  3. Reviewed (not yet used) - reviewed and consolidated data

Country Spreadsheet


  1. Submit via google form
  2. Arrive in submissions tab
  3. Copy to the Normalized tab (which has standard columns)
  4. Review (soon)

City Spreadsheet


  1. Submit via our custom JS form. Data is still submitted to a google spreadsheet with a google form. However we do not use Google's generated form but just submit ourselves using JS. The form therefore only has 1 field "Data") and we store results of form as a JSON blob in this field.

  2. Normalized sheet - this is produced from submissions sheet by running the unpack script (go to Open Data Census menu => Unpack)

  1. Reviewed

For Developers

The app is a simple Express NodeJS app deployed on Heroku.


To install do the following:

1. Get the code and init the submodules (for recline vendor library)

        git clone https://github.com/okfn/opendatacensus 
        git submodule init
        git submodule update

2. Install node dependencies
        cd opendatacensus
        npm install .

3. Run the app

        node app.js

4. Should now be running at <http://localhost:5000>

Running Tests

Install mocha (see devDependencies in package.json) then do:

mocha test/

note we run off live data yet some expected values are hard-coded. Thus tests are likely to break as underlying data changes. We should fix this soon by running off mock data.


App is deployed on Heroku as `opendatacensus`. Do the usual.