A zero player game consisting of cells either in live state or dead state and their state changes based on the following rules:
- A live cell with less than 2 live neighbour dies as of due to underpopulation.
- A live cell with more than 3 live neighbour dies as of due to overpopulation.
- A live cell with exactly 2 or 3 live neighbours remains alive in next generation.
- A dead cell with exactly 3 neighbours becomes alive in the next generation.
-"Neighbours" are the cells which are directly above, below, sideways or diagonal to any cell.
-Dark cells are considered alive.
-Select any cell to make the cell alive or dead.
-Observe the change one by one with "Next Generation" button or overall in a long run through "Autoplay" button.
-Reset button to reset the grid.
-Use the slider to increase the number of cells.(Using the slider also resets the grid)