
Validator for the IMSC Hypothetical Render Model (HRM), which constrains TTML document complexity.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

IMSC Hypothetical Render Model (HRM) Validator

 __  _  _  ____   ___  _  _  ____  _  _ 
(  )( \/ )/ ___) / __)/ )( \(  _ \( \/ )
 )( / \/ \\___ \( (__ ) __ ( )   // \/ \
(__)\_)(_/(____/ \___)\_)(_/(__\_)\_)(_/


imschrm validates IMSC documents against the IMSC Hypothetical Render Model (HRM), which constrains document complexity.

imschrm consists of a library and command line application written in pure Python, and uses ttconv.

Demo web app

A demo web app based on imschrm is available at https://hrm.sandflow.com/.

Quick start

Install the most recent development release:

    pip install imschrm --pre
    imschrm <input IMSC document>

Known issues

Issues are tracked at https://github.com/sandflow/imscHRM/issues.

Command line

cli.py [-h] [--itype {ttml,manifest}] input
  • input: input file
  • --itype: specifies whether the input file is a single IMSC document (ttml) (default) or a manifest (manifest) containing a list of IMSC documents.

The manifest is a JSON file that conforms to the schema at src/main/resources/json/manifest.json.schema.


    "begin": "12/24",
    "end": 1,
    "path": "doc001.ttml"
    "begin": 1,
    "end": null,
    "path": "doc002.ttml"



The project uses pipenv to manage dependencies.



Development environment

  • run pipenv install --dev
  • set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to src/main/python, e.g. export PYTHONPATH=src/main/python
  • pipenv run can then be used

From the root directory of the project:

pipenv install --dev
mkdir build
export PYTHONPATH=src/main/python
pipenv run python src/main/python/imschrm/cli.py src/test/resources/ttml/fail001.ttml