
Phone directory APIs

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is an Express project written in Typescript. This project is a bundle of APIs using which, a user can store their phone number in the database( mongoDB)

Getting started

  1. Clone this project
  2. Install dependencies : npm install
  3. Build the project: npm run watch-ts
  4. Run the node server: npm run watch-node.


  1. Open browser and go to http://localhost:3000. You will see this is home page

To run tests: npm run tests

API Documentation

First thing first.

Almost all the APIs (except /signup and /login), require JWT token. Otherwise server will throw following error:

    "errCode": "1202",

Following are the steps to set up token:

  1. Call /signup or /login as demonstrated below.
  2. Above call will respond JWT token.
  3. If you are using postman to test these APIs, set header as follows:


Authorization:Bearer <token here>

Postman header

1. Registration

  • Signup

PUT http://localhost:3000/signup

Sample payload:

    "USER_FIRST_NAME": "John Doe",
    "USER_EMAIL": "johndoe@gmail.com",
    "PASSWORD": "iamjohndoe"

Returns: User detail along with a JWT token which is to be used in subsequent APIs

  • Login:

POST http://localhost:3000/login

Sample payload:

    "USER_EMAIL": "sandeep@gmail.com",
    "PASSWORD": "sandeep"

Returns: User detail along with a JWT token which is to be used in subsequent APIs

2. Accounts-actions APIs

  • Get account details:

GET http://localhost:3000/users/:USER_ID/accounts/read?name=value1&number=value2&scope=value3&page=value4

Example url: http://localhost:3000/users/5b0ad0b5b20501e1a08b5870/accounts/read?name=sandeep&number=9042794201&scope=global&page=1

Note: All the queries perform by a non-admin user will be limited to entries they have created. On the other hand admin can access all the entries created by all the user. However, to enable this privilage admin will have to pass scope=global in the query params as shown above. This is application to all the APIs except /login and /signup.

Sample payload: None. This is GET API

Return: Account details of user. If used is admin with scope=global flag, this apis return top 10 account matching the query.

  • Create account:

PUT http://localhost:3000/users/:USER_ID/accounts/create

Example url: http://localhost:3000/users/5b0ad0b5b20501e1a08b5870/accounts/create

Used by admin to create new admin("USER_ROLE":"ADMIN") or non-admin("USER_ROLE":"NON-ADMIN") accounts

Example: payload

	"USER_FIRST_NAME": "sandeep",
    "USER_EMAIL": "sandeep121212@gmail.com1",

Returns Created user details with a JWT token. This token can be used by user to start a session.

  • Update account:

POST http://localhost:3000/users/:USER_ID/accounts/update?name=value1&number=value2&scope=value3

Example url: http://localhost:3000/users/5b0ad0b5b20501e1a08b5870/accounts/update?name=sandeep&number=9042794201&scope=global

Used to update account details. A non-admin can update their own account details while admin can update other's account details by passing scope=global flag in query params.

Example: payload

    "USER_FIRST_NAME": "sandeep_updated_name",

Returns "n modified". n is number of accounts modified.

  • Delete account:

DELETE http://localhost:3000/users/:USER_ID/accounts/delete?name=value1&number=value2&scope=value3

Example url: http://localhost:3000/users/5b0ad0b5b20501e1a08b5870/accounts/delete?name=sandeep&number=9042794201&scope=global

Used to delete accounts. A non-admin can delete their own account while admin can delete other's account details by passing scope=global flag in query params.

Example Payload: none

Returns "n delete". n is number of accounts deleted.

3. Directory-actions

  • Get directory entry details:

GET http://localhost:3000/users/:USER_ID/directory/read?name=value1&number=value2&scope=value3&page=value4

Example Url: http://localhost:3000/users/5b0ad0b5b20501e1a08b5870/directory/read?name=sandeep&number=9910508102&scope=global&page=1

Note: All the queries perform by a non-admin user will be limited to entries they have created. On the other hand admin can access all the entries created by all the user. However, to enable this privilage admin will have to pass scope=global in the query params as shown above. This is application to all the APIs except /login and /signup.

Sample payload: None. This is GET API

Returns directory entry details which were created by user. If user is admin with scope=global flag, this API return top 10 directory entries matching the query.

  • Create directory entry:

PUT http://localhost:3000/users/:USER_ID/directory/create

Example Url: http://localhost:3000/users/5b0ad0b5b20501e1a08b5870/accounts/create

Used to create directory entry.

Example: payload

    "OWNER_NAME": "sandeep",
    "OWNER_STATE": "Maharashtra",
    "OWNER_COUNTRY": "+91",
    "OWNER_PHONE": 9205040234

Returns Success response if successful.

  • Update directory entry:

POST http://localhost:3000/users/:USER_ID/directory/update?name=value1&number=value2&scope=value3

Example Url: http://localhost:3000/users/5b0ad0b5b20501e1a08b5870/director/update?name=sandeep&number=9042794201&scope=global

Used to update directory entry details. A non-admin can update their own directory entry details while admin can update other's directory entry details by passing scope=global flag in query params.

Example: payload

	  "OWNER_NAME": "sandeep_updated_name",

Returns "n modified". n is number of directory entries modified.

  • Delete directory entry:

DELETE http://localhost:3000/users/:USER_ID/directory/delete?name=value1&number=value2&scope=value3

Example Url: http://localhost:3000/users/5b0ad0b5b20501e1a08b5870/directory/delete?name=sandeep&number=9042794201&scope=global

Used to delete directory entry. A non-admin can delete their own directory entry while admin can delete other's directory entry by passing scope=global flag in query params.

Example Payload: none

Returns "n delete". n is number of directory entries deleted.

Error codes and details

For frustration free integration, these APIs provide very specific errors to developers, so that they know what might be going wrong. These errors can also be useful to pin-point issues while inspecting server logs in future.

ErrorCode Details
SUCCESS {errCode: "0000", statusCode: "200", desc: "SUCCESS"}
ID_OR_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND_IN_RECORDS {errCode: "1100", statusCode: "401", desc: "ID_OR_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND_IN_RECORDS"}
CANT_SIGN_UP_WITH_ADMIN_ACCOUNT {errCode: "1101", statusCode: "401", desc: "CANT_SIGN_UP_WITH_ADMIN_ACCOUNT"}
INVALID_LOGIN_PASSWORD {errCode: "1102", statusCode: "401", desc: "INVALID_LOGIN_PASSWORD"}
INCORRECT_LOGIN_PASSWORD {errCode: "1103", statusCode: "401", desc: "INCORRECT_LOGIN_PASSWORD"}
INVALID_NEW_PASSWORD {errCode: "1104", statusCode: "401", desc: "INVALID_NEW_PASSWORD",}
INVALID_NEW_USER_PASSWORD {errCode: "1105", statusCode: "401", desc: "INVALID_NEW_USER_PASSWORD",}
TOKEN_EXPIRED {errCode: "1200", statusCode: "401", desc: "TOKEN_EXPIRED",}
TOKEN_INVALID {errCode: "1201", statusCode: "401", desc: "TOKEN_INVALID",}
TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT_OR_INVALID {errCode: "1202", statusCode: "401", desc: "TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT_OR_INVALID",}
DB_CANNOT_ACCESS_DB {errCode: "1300", statusCode: "503", desc: "DB_CANNOT_ACCESS_DB"}
DUPLICATE_DATA {errCode: "1302", statusCode: "422", desc: "DUPLICATE_DATA"}
DIRECTORY_USER_NO_SUCH_USER {errCode: "1401", statusCode: "401", desc: "DIRECTORY_USER_NO_SUCH_USER"}
PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_PRESENT {errCode: "1406", statusCode: "422", desc: "PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_PRESENT"}
PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID {errCode: "1407", statusCode: "422", desc: "PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID"}
UNAUTHERIZED_ACCESS {errCode: "1500", statusCode: "401", desc: "UNAUTHERIZED_ACCESS",}
QUERY_INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER {errCode: "1600", statusCode: "403", desc: "QUERY_INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER"}
QUERY_TOO_BROAD {errCode: "1601", statusCode: "422", desc: "QUERY_TOO_BROAD"}
ROUTE_NOT_FOUND {errCode: "1700", statusCode: "404", desc: "ROUTE_NOT_FOUND"}
UNRECOGNISED_ERROR {errCode: "9002", statusCode: "500", desc: "UNRECOGNISED_ERROR"}


Typescript configurations in this project is taken from Microsoft's scaffold. link