1254 |
Number of Closed Islands |
统计封闭岛屿的数目 |
1253 |
Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix |
重构 2 行二进制矩阵 |
1252 |
Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix |
奇数值单元格的数目 |
1239 |
Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters |
串联字符串的最大长度 |
1238 |
Circular Permutation in Binary Representation |
循环码排列 |
1237 |
Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation |
找出给定方程的正整数解 |
1224 |
Maximum Equal Frequency |
最大相等频率 |
1223 |
Dice Roll Simulation |
掷骰子模拟 |
1222 |
Queens That Can Attack the King |
可以攻击国王的皇后 |
1221 |
Split a String in Balanced Strings |
分割平衡字符串 |
1219 |
Path with Maximum Gold |
黄金矿工 |
1218 |
Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference |
最长定差子序列 |
1209 |
Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II |
删除字符串中的所有相邻重复项 II |
1191 |
K-Concatenation Maximum Sum |
K 次串联后最大子数组之和 |
1190 |
Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses |
反转每对括号间的子串 |
1189 |
Maximum Number of Balloons |
“气球” 的最大数量 |
1185 |
Day of the Week |
一周中的第几天 |
1184 |
Distance Between Bus Stops |
公交站间的距离 |
1171 |
Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List |
从链表中删去总和值为零的连续节点 |
1170 |
Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest Character |
比较字符串最小字母出现频次 |
1156 |
Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring |
单字符重复子串的最大长度 |
1143 |
Longest Common Subsequence |
最长公共子序列 |
1114 |
Print in Order |
按序打印 |
1111 |
Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings |
有效括号的嵌套深度 |
1108 |
Defanging an IP Address |
IP 地址无效化 |
1071 |
Greatest Common Divisor of Strings |
字符串的最大公因子 |
1035 |
Uncrossed Lines |
不相交的线 |
1034 |
Coloring A Border |
边框着色 |
1033 |
Moving Stones Until Consecutive |
移动石子直到连续 |
1025 |
Divisor Game |
除数博弈 |
1024 |
Video Stitching |
视频拼接 |
1023 |
Camelcase Matching |
驼峰式匹配 |
1022 |
Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers |
从根到叶的二进制数之和 |
1021 |
Remove Outermost Parentheses |
删除最外层的括号 |
1020 |
Number of Enclaves |
飞地的数量 |
1019 |
Next Greater Node In Linked List |
链表中的下一个更大节点 |
1018 |
Binary Prefix Divisible By 5 |
可被 5 整除的二进制前缀 |
1016 |
Binary String With Substrings Representing 1 To N |
子串能表示从 1 到 N 数字的二进制串 |
1014 |
Best Sightseeing Pair |
最佳观光组合 |
1011 |
Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days |
在 D 天内送达包裹的能力 |
1010 |
Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 |
总持续时间可被 60 整除的歌曲 |
1009 |
Complement of Base 10 Integer |
十进制整数的反码 |
1008 |
Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal |
先序遍历构造二叉树 |
1007 |
Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row |
行相等的最少多米诺旋转 |
1006 |
Clumsy Factorial |
笨阶乘 |
1004 |
Max Consecutive Ones III |
最大连续1的个数 III |
1003 |
Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions |
检查替换后的词是否有效 |
1002 |
Find Common Characters |
查找常用字符 |
999 |
Available Captures for Rook |
车的可用捕获量 |
991 |
Broken Calculator |
坏了的计算器 |
990 |
Satisfiability of Equality Equations |
等式方程的可满足性 |
988 |
Smallest String Starting From Leaf |
从叶结点开始的最小字符串 |
987 |
Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree |
二叉树的垂序遍历 |
984 |
String Without AAA or BBB |
不含 AAA 或 BBB 的字符串 |
983 |
Minimum Cost For Tickets |
最低票价 |
981 |
Time Based Key-Value Store |
基于时间的键值存储 |
977 |
Squares of a Sorted Array |
有序数组的平方 |
976 |
Largest Perimeter Triangle |
三角形的最大周长 |
974 |
Subarray Sums Divisible by K |
和可被 K 整除的子数组 |
973 |
K Closest Points to Origin |
最接近原点的 K 个点 |
971 |
Flip Binary Tree To Match Preorder Traversal |
翻转二叉树以匹配先序遍历 |
970 |
Powerful Integers |
强整数 |
969 |
Pancake Sorting |
煎饼排序 |
965 |
Univalued Binary Tree |
单值二叉树 |
959 |
Regions Cut By Slashes |
由斜杠划分区域 |
950 |
Reveal Cards In Increasing Order |
按递增顺序显示卡牌 |
947 |
Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column |
移除最多的同行或同列石头 |
946 |
Validate Stack Sequences |
验证栈序列 |
942 |
DI String Match |
增减字符串匹配 |
941 |
Valid Mountain Array |
有效的山脉数组 |
938 |
Range Sum of BST |
二叉搜索树的范围和 |
937 |
Reorder Data in Log Files |
重新排列日志文件 |
931 |
Minimum Falling Path Sum |
下降路径最小和 |
930 |
Binary Subarrays With Sum |
和相同的二元子数组 |
929 |
Unique Email Addresses |
独特的电子邮件地址 |
926 |
Flip String to Monotone Increasing |
将字符串翻转到单调递增 |
925 |
Long Pressed Name |
长按键入 |
924 |
Minimize Malware Spread |
尽量减少恶意软件的传播 |
923 |
3Sum With Multiplicity |
三数之和的多种可能 |
922 |
Sort Array By Parity II |
按奇偶排序数组 II |
921 |
Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid |
使括号有效的最少添加 |
917 |
Reverse Only Letters |
仅仅反转字母 |
916 |
Word Subsets |
单词子集 |
914 |
X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards |
卡牌分组 |
911 |
Online Election |
在线选举 |
908 |
Smallest Range I |
最小差值 I |
905 |
Sort Array By Parity |
按奇偶排序数组 |
897 |
Increasing Order Search Tree |
递增顺序查找树 |
896 |
Monotonic Array |
单调数列 |
893 |
Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings |
特殊等价字符串组 |
892 |
Surface Area of 3D Shapes |
三维形体的表面积 |
890 |
Find and Replace Pattern |
查找和替换模式 |
888 |
Fair Candy Swap |
公平的糖果交换 |
885 |
Spiral Matrix III |
螺旋矩阵 III |
884 |
Uncommon Words from Two Sentences |
两句话中的不常见单词 |
883 |
Projection Area of 3D Shapes |
三维形体投影面积 |
877 |
Stone Game |
石子游戏 |
876 |
Middle of the Linked List |
链表的中间结点 |
875 |
Koko Eating Bananas |
爱吃香蕉的珂珂 |
872 |
Leaf-Similar Trees |
叶子相似的树 |
868 |
Binary Gap |
二进制间距 |
867 |
Transpose Matrix |
转置矩阵 |
859 |
Buddy Strings |
亲密字符串 |
856 |
Score of Parentheses |
括号的分数 |
852 |
Peak Index in a Mountain Array |
山脉数组的峰顶索引 |
849 |
Maximize Distance to Closest Person |
到最近的人的最大距离 |
844 |
Backspace String Compare |
比较含退格的字符串 |
840 |
Magic Squares In Grid |
矩阵中的幻方 |
836 |
Rectangle Overlap |
矩形重叠 |
832 |
Flipping an Image |
翻转图像 |
830 |
Positions of Large Groups |
较大分组的位置 |
824 |
Goat Latin |
山羊拉丁文 |
821 |
Shortest Distance to a Character |
字符的最短距离 |
819 |
Most Common Word |
最常见的单词 |
817 |
Linked List Components |
链表组件 |
816 |
Ambiguous Coordinates |
模糊坐标 |
812 |
Largest Triangle Area |
最大三角形面积 |
811 |
Subdomain Visit Count |
子域名访问计数 |
804 |
Unique Morse Code Words |
唯一摩尔斯密码词 |
791 |
Custom Sort String |
自定义字符串排序 |
788 |
Rotated Digits |
旋转数字 |
784 |
Letter Case Permutation |
字母大小写全排列 |
781 |
Rabbits in Forest |
森林中的兔子 |
771 |
Jewels and Stones |
宝石与石头 |
769 |
Max Chunks To Make Sorted |
最多能完成排序的块 |
766 |
Toeplitz Matrix |
托普利茨矩阵 |
748 |
Shortest Completing Word |
最短完整词 |
747 |
Largest Number At Least Twice of Others |
至少是其他数字两倍的最大数 |
746 |
Min Cost Climbing Stairs |
使用最小花费爬楼梯 |
744 |
Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target |
寻找比目标字母大的最小字母 |
740 |
Delete and Earn |
删除与获得点数 |
739 |
Daily Temperatures |
每日温度 |
733 |
Flood Fill |
图像渲染 |
728 |
Self Dividing Numbers |
自除数 |
725 |
Split Linked List in Parts |
分隔链表 |
724 |
Find Pivot Index |
寻找数组的中心索引 |
720 |
Longest Word in Dictionary |
词典中最长的单词 |
718 |
Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray |
最长重复子数组 |
717 |
1-bit and 2-bit Characters |
1比特与2比特字符 |
714 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee |
买卖股票的最佳时机含手续费 |
709 |
To Lower Case |
转换成小写字母 |
707 |
Design Linked List |
设计链表 |
704 |
Binary Search |
二分查找 |
703 |
Kth Largest Element in a Stream |
数据流中的第K大元素 |
700 |
Search in a Binary Search Tree |
二叉搜索树中的搜索 |
697 |
Degree of an Array |
数组的度 |
696 |
Count Binary Substrings |
计数二进制子串 |
695 |
Max Area of Island |
岛屿的最大面积 |
693 |
Binary Number with Alternating Bits |
交替位二进制数 |
690 |
Employee Importance |
员工的重要性 |
687 |
Longest Univalue Path |
最长同值路径 |
686 |
Repeated String Match |
重复叠加字符串匹配 |
682 |
Baseball Game |
棒球比赛 |
680 |
Valid Palindrome II |
验证回文字符串 Ⅱ |
676 |
Implement Magic Dictionary |
实现一个魔法字典 |
674 |
Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence |
最长连续递增序列 |
671 |
Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree |
二叉树中第二小的节点 |
669 |
Trim a Binary Search Tree |
修剪二叉搜索树 |
667 |
Beautiful Arrangement II |
优美的排列 II |
665 |
Non-decreasing Array |
非递减数列 |
661 |
Image Smoother |
图片平滑器 |
658 |
Find K Closest Elements |
找到 K 个最接近的元素 |
657 |
Robot Return to Origin |
机器人能否返回原点 |
653 |
Two Sum IV - Input is a BST |
两数之和 IV - 输入 BST |
650 |
2 Keys Keyboard |
只有两个键的键盘 |
648 |
Replace Words |
单词替换 |
647 |
Palindromic Substrings |
回文子串 |
645 |
Set Mismatch |
错误的集合 |
643 |
Maximum Average Subarray I |
子数组最大平均数 I |
637 |
Average of Levels in Binary Tree |
二叉树的层平均值 |
633 |
Sum of Square Numbers |
平方数之和 |
628 |
Maximum Product of Three Numbers |
三个数的最大乘积 |
627 |
Swap Salary |
交换工资 |
621 |
Task Scheduler |
任务调度器 |
620 |
Not Boring Movies |
有趣的电影 |
617 |
Merge Two Binary Trees |
合并二叉树 |
609 |
Find Duplicate File in System |
在系统中查找重复文件 |
606 |
Construct String from Binary Tree |
根据二叉树创建字符串 |
605 |
Can Place Flowers |
种花问题 |
599 |
Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists |
两个列表的最小索引总和 |
598 |
Range Addition II |
范围求和 II |
596 |
Classes More Than 5 Students |
超过5名学生的课 |
595 |
Big Countries |
大的国家 |
594 |
Longest Harmonious Subsequence |
最长和谐子序列 |
590 |
N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal |
N叉树的后序遍历 |
589 |
N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal |
N叉树的前序遍历 |
583 |
Delete Operation for Two Strings |
两个字符串的删除操作 |
581 |
Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray |
最短无序连续子数组 |
575 |
Distribute Candies |
分糖果 |
572 |
Subtree of Another Tree |
另一个树的子树 |
566 |
Reshape the Matrix |
重塑矩阵 |
565 |
Array Nesting |
数组嵌套 |
563 |
Binary Tree Tilt |
二叉树的坡度 |
561 |
Array Partition I |
数组拆分 I |
560 |
Subarray Sum Equals K |
和为K的子数组 |
559 |
Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree |
N叉树的最大深度 |
557 |
Reverse Words in a String III |
反转字符串中的单词 III |
553 |
Optimal Division |
最优除法 |
551 |
Student Attendance Record I |
学生出勤记录 I |
543 |
Diameter of Binary Tree |
二叉树的直径 |
541 |
Reverse String II |
反转字符串 II |
539 |
Minimum Time Difference |
最小时间差 |
538 |
Convert BST to Greater Tree |
把二叉搜索树转换为累加树 |
537 |
Complex Number Multiplication |
复数乘法 |
532 |
K-diff Pairs in an Array |
数组中的K-diff数对 |
530 |
Minimum Absolute Difference in BST |
二叉搜索树的最小绝对差 |
528 |
Random Pick with Weight |
按权重随机选择 |
521 |
Longest Uncommon Subsequence I |
最长特殊序列 Ⅰ |
520 |
Detect Capital |
检测大写字母 |
509 |
Fibonacci Number |
斐波那契数 |
507 |
Perfect Number |
完美数 |
506 |
Relative Ranks |
相对名次 |
504 |
Base 7 |
七进制数 |
503 |
Next Greater Element II |
下一个更大元素 II |
501 |
Find Mode in Binary Search Tree |
二叉搜索树中的众数 |
500 |
Keyboard Row |
键盘行 |
498 |
Diagonal Traverse |
对角线遍历 |
497 |
Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles |
非重叠矩形中的随机点 |
496 |
Next Greater Element I |
下一个更大元素 I |
495 |
Teemo Attacking |
提莫攻击 |
494 |
Target Sum |
目标和 |
492 |
Construct the Rectangle |
构造矩形 |
485 |
Max Consecutive Ones |
最大连续1的个数 |
482 |
License Key Formatting |
密钥格式化 |
476 |
Number Complement |
数字的补数 |
475 |
Heaters |
供暖器 |
463 |
Island Perimeter |
岛屿的周长 |
461 |
Hamming Distance |
汉明距离 |
460 |
LFU Cache |
LFU缓存 |
459 |
Repeated Substring Pattern |
重复的子字符串 |
456 |
132 Pattern |
132模式 |
455 |
Assign Cookies |
分发饼干 |
454 |
4Sum II |
四数相加 II |
453 |
Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements |
最小移动次数使数组元素相等 |
452 |
Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons |
用最少数量的箭引爆气球 |
451 |
Sort Characters By Frequency |
根据字符出现频率排序 |
448 |
Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array |
找到所有数组中消失的数字 |
447 |
Number of Boomerangs |
回旋镖的数量 |
445 |
Add Two Numbers II |
两数相加 II |
443 |
String Compression |
压缩字符串 |
442 |
Find All Duplicates in an Array |
数组中重复的数据 |
441 |
Arranging Coins |
排列硬币 |
438 |
Find All Anagrams in a String |
找到字符串中所有字母异位词 |
437 |
Path Sum III |
路径总和 III |
436 |
Find Right Interval |
寻找右区间 |
434 |
Number of Segments in a String |
字符串中的单词数 |
430 |
Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List |
扁平化多级双向链表 |
429 |
N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal |
N叉树的层序遍历 |
416 |
Partition Equal Subset Sum |
分割等和子集 |
415 |
Add Strings |
字符串相加 |
414 |
Third Maximum Number |
第三大的数 |
413 |
Arithmetic Slices |
等差数列划分 |
412 |
Fizz Buzz |
Fizz Buzz |
409 |
Longest Palindrome |
最长回文串 |
406 |
Queue Reconstruction by Height |
根据身高重建队列 |
405 |
Convert a Number to Hexadecimal |
数字转换为十六进制数 |
404 |
Sum of Left Leaves |
左叶子之和 |
401 |
Binary Watch |
二进制手表 |
400 |
Nth Digit |
第N个数字 |
398 |
Random Pick Index |
随机数索引 |
397 |
Integer Replacement |
整数替换 |
395 |
Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters |
至少有K个重复字符的最长子串 |
394 |
Decode String |
字符串解码 |
393 |
UTF-8 Validation |
UTF-8 编码验证 |
392 |
Is Subsequence |
判断子序列 |
389 |
Find the Difference |
找不同 |
387 |
First Unique Character in a String |
字符串中的第一个唯一字符 |
386 |
Lexicographical Numbers |
字典序排数 |
385 |
Mini Parser |
迷你语法分析器 |
384 |
Shuffle an Array |
打乱数组 |
383 |
Ransom Note |
赎金信 |
382 |
Linked List Random Node |
链表随机节点 |
380 |
Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) |
常数时间插入、删除和获取随机元素 |
378 |
Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix |
有序矩阵中第K小的元素 |
377 |
Combination Sum IV |
组合总和 Ⅳ |
376 |
Wiggle Subsequence |
摆动序列 |
375 |
Guess Number Higher or Lower II |
猜数字大小 II |
374 |
Guess Number Higher or Lower |
猜数字大小 |
373 |
Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums |
查找和最小的K对数字 |
371 |
Sum of Two Integers |
两整数之和 |
368 |
Largest Divisible Subset |
最大整除子集 |
367 |
Valid Perfect Square |
有效的完全平方数 |
357 |
Count Numbers with Unique Digits |
计算各个位数不同的数字个数 |
355 |
Design Twitter |
设计推特 |
350 |
Intersection of Two Arrays II |
两个数组的交集 II |
349 |
Intersection of Two Arrays |
两个数组的交集 |
347 |
Top K Frequent Elements |
前 K 个高频元素 |
345 |
Reverse Vowels of a String |
反转字符串中的元音字母 |
344 |
Reverse String |
反转字符串 |
343 |
Integer Break |
整数拆分 |
342 |
Power of Four |
4的幂 |
341 |
Flatten Nested List Iterator |
扁平化嵌套列表迭代器 |
338 |
Counting Bits |
比特位计数 |
337 |
House Robber III |
打家劫舍 III |
334 |
Increasing Triplet Subsequence |
递增的三元子序列 |
332 |
Reconstruct Itinerary |
重新安排行程 |
331 |
Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree |
验证二叉树的前序序列化 |
328 |
Odd Even Linked List |
奇偶链表 |
326 |
Power of Three |
3的幂 |
322 |
Coin Change |
零钱兑换 |
319 |
Bulb Switcher |
灯泡开关 |
318 |
Maximum Product of Word Lengths |
最大单词长度乘积 |
310 |
Minimum Height Trees |
最小高度树 |
309 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown |
最佳买卖股票时机含冷冻期 |
307 |
Range Sum Query - Mutable |
区域和检索 - 数组可修改 |
306 |
Additive Number |
累加数 |
304 |
Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable |
二维区域和检索 - 矩阵不可变 |
303 |
Range Sum Query - Immutable |
区域和检索 - 数组不可变 |
300 |
Longest Increasing Subsequence |
最长上升子序列 |
299 |
Bulls and Cows |
猜数字游戏 |
295 |
Find Median from Data Stream |
数据流的中位数 |
292 |
Nim Game |
Nim 游戏 |
290 |
Word Pattern |
单词规律 |
289 |
Game of Life |
生命游戏 |
287 |
Find the Duplicate Number |
寻找重复数 |
284 |
Peeking Iterator |
顶端迭代器 |
283 |
Move Zeroes |
移动零 |
279 |
Perfect Squares |
完全平方数 |
278 |
First Bad Version |
第一个错误的版本 |
275 |
H-Index II |
H指数 II |
274 |
H-Index |
H指数 |
268 |
Missing Number |
缺失数字 |
264 |
Ugly Number II |
丑数 II |
263 |
Ugly Number |
丑数 |
258 |
Add Digits |
各位相加 |
257 |
Binary Tree Paths |
二叉树的所有路径 |
242 |
Valid Anagram |
有效的字母异位词 |
241 |
Different Ways to Add Parentheses |
为运算表达式设计优先级 |
240 |
Search a 2D Matrix II |
搜索二维矩阵 II |
239 |
Sliding Window Maximum |
滑动窗口最大值 |
238 |
Product of Array Except Self |
除自身以外数组的乘积 |
237 |
Delete Node in a Linked List |
删除链表中的节点 |
236 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree |
二叉树的最近公共祖先 |
235 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree |
二叉搜索树的最近公共祖先 |
234 |
Palindrome Linked List |
回文链表 |
232 |
Implement Queue using Stacks |
用栈实现队列 |
231 |
Power of Two |
2的幂 |
230 |
Kth Smallest Element in a BST |
二叉搜索树中第K小的元素 |
229 |
Majority Element II |
求众数 II |
228 |
Summary Ranges |
汇总区间 |
227 |
Basic Calculator II |
基本计算器 II |
226 |
Invert Binary Tree |
翻转二叉树 |
225 |
Implement Stack using Queues |
用队列实现栈 |
223 |
Rectangle Area |
矩形面积 |
222 |
Count Complete Tree Nodes |
完全二叉树的节点个数 |
221 |
Maximal Square |
最大正方形 |
219 |
Contains Duplicate II |
存在重复元素 II |
217 |
Contains Duplicate |
存在重复元素 |
216 |
Combination Sum III |
组合总和 III |
215 |
Kth Largest Element in an Array |
数组中的第K个最大元素 |
213 |
House Robber II |
打家劫舍 II |
212 |
Word Search II |
单词搜索 II |
209 |
Minimum Size Subarray Sum |
长度最小的子数组 |
208 |
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) |
实现 Trie (前缀树) |
206 |
Reverse Linked List |
反转链表 |
205 |
Isomorphic Strings |
同构字符串 |
204 |
Count Primes |
计数质数 |
203 |
Remove Linked List Elements |
移除链表元素 |
202 |
Happy Number |
快乐数 |
201 |
Bitwise AND of Numbers Range |
数字范围按位与 |
200 |
Number of Islands |
岛屿数量 |
199 |
Binary Tree Right Side View |
二叉树的右视图 |
198 |
House Robber |
打家劫舍 |
196 |
Delete Duplicate Emails |
删除重复的电子邮箱 |
195 |
Tenth Line |
第十行 |
194 |
Transpose File |
转置文件 |
193 |
Valid Phone Numbers |
有效电话号码 |
192 |
Word Frequency |
统计词频 |
191 |
Number of 1 Bits |
位1的个数 |
190 |
Reverse Bits |
颠倒二进制位 |
189 |
Rotate Array |
旋转数组 |
188 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV |
买卖股票的最佳时机 IV |
187 |
Repeated DNA Sequences |
重复的DNA序列 |
183 |
Customers Who Never Order |
从不订购的客户 |
182 |
Duplicate Emails |
查找重复的电子邮箱 |
181 |
Employees Earning More Than Their Managers |
超过经理收入的员工 |
179 |
Largest Number |
最大数 |
176 |
Second Highest Salary |
第二高的薪水 |
175 |
Combine Two Tables |
组合两个表 |
173 |
Binary Search Tree Iterator |
二叉搜索树迭代器 |
172 |
Factorial Trailing Zeroes |
阶乘后的零 |
171 |
Excel Sheet Column Number |
Excel表列序号 |
169 |
Majority Element |
求众数 |
168 |
Excel Sheet Column Title |
Excel表列名称 |
167 |
Two Sum II - Input array is sorted |
两数之和 II - 输入有序数组 |
166 |
Fraction to Recurring Decimal |
分数到小数 |
165 |
Compare Version Numbers |
比较版本号 |
162 |
Find Peak Element |
寻找峰值 |
160 |
Intersection of Two Linked Lists |
相交链表 |
155 |
Min Stack |
最小栈 |
154 |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II |
寻找旋转排序数组中的最小值 II |
153 |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array |
寻找旋转排序数组中的最小值 |
152 |
Maximum Product Subarray |
乘积最大子序列 |
151 |
Reverse Words in a String |
翻转字符串里的单词 |
150 |
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation |
逆波兰表达式求值 |
148 |
Sort List |
排序链表 |
147 |
Insertion Sort List |
对链表进行插入排序 |
146 |
LRU Cache |
LRU缓存机制 |
145 |
Binary Tree Postorder Traversal |
二叉树的后序遍历 |
144 |
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal |
二叉树的前序遍历 |
143 |
Reorder List |
重排链表 |
142 |
Linked List Cycle II |
环形链表 II |
141 |
Linked List Cycle |
环形链表 |
140 |
Word Break II |
单词拆分 II |
139 |
Word Break |
单词拆分 |
138 |
Copy List with Random Pointer |
复制带随机指针的链表 |
137 |
Single Number II |
只出现一次的数字 II |
136 |
Single Number |
只出现一次的数字 |
134 |
Gas Station |
加油站 |
133 |
Clone Graph |
克隆图 |
131 |
Palindrome Partitioning |
分割回文串 |
130 |
Surrounded Regions |
被围绕的区域 |
129 |
Sum Root to Leaf Numbers |
求根到叶子节点数字之和 |
128 |
Longest Consecutive Sequence |
最长连续序列 |
127 |
Word Ladder |
单词接龙 |
125 |
Valid Palindrome |
验证回文串 |
124 |
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum |
二叉树中的最大路径和 |
123 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III |
买卖股票的最佳时机 III |
122 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II |
买卖股票的最佳时机 II |
121 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock |
买卖股票的最佳时机 |
120 |
Triangle |
三角形最小路径和 |
119 |
Pascal's Triangle II |
杨辉三角 II |
118 |
Pascal's Triangle |
杨辉三角 |
117 |
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II |
填充每个节点的下一个右侧节点指针 II |
116 |
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node |
填充每个节点的下一个右侧节点指针 |
114 |
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List |
二叉树展开为链表 |
113 |
Path Sum II |
路径总和 II |
112 |
Path Sum |
路径总和 |
111 |
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree |
二叉树的最小深度 |
110 |
Balanced Binary Tree |
平衡二叉树 |
109 |
Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree |
有序链表转换二叉搜索树 |
108 |
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree |
将有序数组转换为二叉搜索树 |
107 |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II |
二叉树的层次遍历 II |
106 |
Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal |
从中序与后序遍历序列构造二叉树 |
105 |
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal |
从前序与中序遍历序列构造二叉树 |
104 |
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree |
二叉树的最大深度 |
103 |
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal |
二叉树的锯齿形层次遍历 |
102 |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal |
二叉树的层次遍历 |
101 |
Symmetric Tree |
对称二叉树 |
100 |
Same Tree |
相同的树 |
99 |
Recover Binary Search Tree |
恢复二叉搜索树 |
98 |
Validate Binary Search Tree |
验证二叉搜索树 |
97 |
Interleaving String |
交错字符串 |
96 |
Unique Binary Search Trees |
不同的二叉搜索树 |
95 |
Unique Binary Search Trees II |
不同的二叉搜索树 II |
94 |
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal |
二叉树的中序遍历 |
93 |
Restore IP Addresses |
复原IP地址 |
92 |
Reverse Linked List II |
反转链表 II |
91 |
Decode Ways |
解码方法 |
90 |
Subsets II |
子集 II |
89 |
Gray Code |
格雷编码 |
88 |
Merge Sorted Array |
合并两个有序数组 |
86 |
Partition List |
分隔链表 |
85 |
Maximal Rectangle |
最大矩形 |
84 |
Largest Rectangle in Histogram |
柱状图中最大的矩形 |
83 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List |
删除排序链表中的重复元素 |
82 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II |
删除排序链表中的重复元素 II |
81 |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array II |
搜索旋转排序数组 II |
80 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II |
删除排序数组中的重复项 II |
79 |
Word Search |
单词搜索 |
78 |
Subsets |
子集 |
77 |
Combinations |
组合 |
76 |
Minimum Window Substring |
最小覆盖子串 |
75 |
Sort Colors |
颜色分类 |
74 |
Search a 2D Matrix |
搜索二维矩阵 |
73 |
Set Matrix Zeroes |
矩阵置零 |
72 |
Edit Distance |
编辑距离 |
71 |
Simplify Path |
简化路径 |
70 |
Climbing Stairs |
爬楼梯 |
69 |
Sqrt(x) |
x 的平方根 |
67 |
Add Binary |
二进制求和 |
66 |
Plus One |
加一 |
65 |
Valid Number |
有效数字 |
64 |
Minimum Path Sum |
最小路径和 |
63 |
Unique Paths II |
不同路径 II |
62 |
Unique Paths |
不同路径 |
61 |
Rotate List |
旋转链表 |
60 |
Permutation Sequence |
第k个排列 |
59 |
Spiral Matrix II |
螺旋矩阵 II |
58 |
Length of Last Word |
最后一个单词的长度 |
56 |
Merge Intervals |
合并区间 |
55 |
Jump Game |
跳跃游戏 |
54 |
Spiral Matrix |
螺旋矩阵 |
53 |
Maximum Subarray |
最大子序和 |
50 |
Pow(x, n) |
Pow(x, n) |
49 |
Group Anagrams |
字母异位词分组 |
48 |
Rotate Image |
旋转图像 |
47 |
Permutations II |
全排列 II |
46 |
Permutations |
全排列 |
44 |
Wildcard Matching |
通配符匹配 |
43 |
Multiply Strings |
字符串相乘 |
42 |
Trapping Rain Water |
接雨水 |
41 |
First Missing Positive |
缺失的第一个正数 |
40 |
Combination Sum II |
组合总和 II |
39 |
Combination Sum |
组合总和 |
38 |
Count and Say |
报数 |
36 |
Valid Sudoku |
有效的数独 |
35 |
Search Insert Position |
搜索插入位置 |
34 |
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array |
在排序数组中查找元素的第一个和最后一个位置 |
33 |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array |
搜索旋转排序数组 |
32 |
Longest Valid Parentheses |
最长有效括号 |
31 |
Next Permutation |
下一个排列 |
29 |
Divide Two Integers |
两数相除 |
28 |
Implement strStr() |
实现 strStr() |
27 |
Remove Element |
移除元素 |
26 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array |
删除排序数组中的重复项 |
25 |
Reverse Nodes in k-Group |
K 个一组翻转链表 |
24 |
Swap Nodes in Pairs |
两两交换链表中的节点 |
23 |
Merge k Sorted Lists |
合并K个排序链表 |
22 |
Generate Parentheses |
括号生成 |
21 |
Merge Two Sorted Lists |
合并两个有序链表 |
20 |
Valid Parentheses |
有效的括号 |
19 |
Remove Nth Node From End of List |
删除链表的倒数第N个节点 |
18 |
4Sum |
四数之和 |
17 |
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
电话号码的字母组合 |
16 |
3Sum Closest |
最接近的三数之和 |
15 |
3Sum |
三数之和 |
14 |
Longest Common Prefix |
最长公共前缀 |
13 |
Roman to Integer |
罗马数字转整数 |
12 |
Integer to Roman |
整数转罗马数字 |
11 |
Container With Most Water |
盛最多水的容器 |
10 |
Regular Expression Matching |
正则表达式匹配 |
9 |
Palindrome Number |
回文数 |
8 |
String to Integer (atoi) |
字符串转换整数 (atoi) |
7 |
Reverse Integer |
整数反转 |
6 |
ZigZag Conversion |
Z 字形变换 |
5 |
Longest Palindromic Substring |
最长回文子串 |
4 |
Median of Two Sorted Arrays |
寻找两个有序数组的中位数 |
3 |
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters |
无重复字符的最长子串 |
2 |
Add Two Numbers |
两数相加 |
1 |
Two Sum |
两数之和 |