An object-oriented language for modeling large-scale neural systems, along with an IDE for writing and simulating models.
- aistrych
- Alan-love
- automenta
- bf777UBC, @ubyssey, @turing-club
- chimaeraseAgile BioFoundry
- chloeliza
- DavidALloyd
- draderTurkey
- fredxRHI
- ggeorgiouMARS Lab
- GuijunShuHaiNan University
- horwardle9
- hughes-c
- huxin0221
- joehays
- jonsalazSeattle, Washington
- jyKim-97Korea Advanced Institution of Science and Technology
- lhcubillosUniversity of Michigan
- raltechStanford University
- stevenabreu7University of Groningen, NL
- tuyucheng777Wuhan,China
- uawasth2
- vandritoIgnitial
- VassilIordanov
- whaly
- ydemetri