
Infoblox WAPI module for Python

Primary LanguagePython

pyinfoblox - Infoblox WAPI module for Python

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pyinfoblox is a Python module for interfacing with the Infoblox WAPI.

For more information about the Infoblox WAPI, please refer to the Infoblox WAPI documentation.

pyinfoblox is Open Source and licensed under the BSD License.



pyinfoblox is hosted on Github. Please contribute by reporting issues, suggesting features or by sending patches using pull requests.


The easiest way to install pyinfoblox is by using pip:

$ pip install pyinfoblox

In order to install the latest version of pyinfoblox from the Github repository simply execute these commands instead:

$ git clone https://github.com/dnaeon/pyinfoblox.git
$ cd pyinfoblox
$ python setup.py install


The first thing we do when using pyinfoblox is to instantiate a new InfobloxWAPI object.

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> from pyinfoblox import InfobloxWAPI
>>> infoblox = InfobloxWAPI(
...     username='admin',
...     password='p4ssw0rd',
...     wapi='https://localhost/wapi/v1.1/'
... )

Getting Infoblox networks is as easy as doing:

>>> networks = infoblox.network.get()
>>> print(networks)

Getting a specific network in Infoblox is easy too:

>>> network = infoblox.network.get(network='')
>>> print(network)

Another example that will get all Infoblox ipv4address objects.

>>> ipv4address = infoblox.ipv4address.get()
>>> print(ipv4address)

Here is how to create a new Infoblox network:

>>> objref = infoblox.network.create(
...     network='',
...     comment='This is my test network'
... )
>>> print(objref)

Creating new objects returns a reference to the newly created object in Infoblox.

We can also update objects. When we update objects in Infoblox we need to pass the object reference as well. This is how we can update the network we created in the previous example

>>> infoblox.network.update(
...     objref='network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQvMA:',
...     comment='This is my updated network'
... )
>>> network = infoblox.network.get(network='')
>>> print(network[0]['comment'])
This is my updated network

When we no longer need an Infoblox object we can always remove it. Just make sure to pass the object reference when deleting objects.

>>> infoblox.network.delete(
...     objref='network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQvMA:'
... )

As a last example we will see how to call functions on Infoblox objects.

Here is how to call the next_available_ip function on a network object in order to get the next 3 available IP addresses:

>>> infoblox.network.function(
...     objref='network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQvMA:',
...     _function='next_available_ip',
...     num=3
... )
{u'ips': [u'', u'', u'']}

This example below calls the restartservices function on a grid object:

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> from pyinfoblox import InfobloxWAPI
>>> infoblox = InfobloxWAPI(
...     username='admin',
...     password='p4ssw0rd',
...     wapi='https://localhost/wapi/v1.1/'
>>> grids = infoblox.grid.get()
>>> print(grids)
[{'_ref': 'grid/b25lLmNsdXN0ZXIkMA:com'}]
>>> grid = grids[0]['_ref']
>>> infoblox.grid.function(
...     objref=grid,
...     _function='restartservices',
...     member_order='SEQUENTIALLY',
...     restart_option='RESTART_IF_NEEDED',
...     sequential_delay=10,
...     service_option='ALL'