
Instant Preview for GitHub's README formats

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Preview TravisCI Dependency Status PullReview stats Code Climate Test Coverage

App on Heroku


Preview script

Put this into your path at e.g. ~/bin/github-preview and chmod +x it.
Then github-preview someproject/Readme.markdown

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# open a given markdown file via github preview app
raise "gime a file!!" unless ARGV[0]

require 'cgi'
content = File.read(ARGV[0])
url = 'http://github-preview.herokuapp.com/'

exec "open '#{url}/?text=#{CGI.escape content}&format=markdown'"

Local development

bundle exec rspec spec
bundle exec thin start
open http://localhost:3000

Copy to Clipboard

Using ussy/clippy. Thanks a lot!