
Code of ECCV2022 paper "Inverted Pyramid Multi-task Transformer for Dense Scene Understanding"

Primary LanguagePython

Python 3.7

🔥 ECCV2022 InvPT: Inverted Pyramid Multi-task Transformer for Dense Scene Understanding

📜 Introduction

This repository implements our ECCV2022 paper InvPT:

Hanrong Ye and Dan Xu, Inverted Pyramid Multi-task Transformer for Dense Scene Understanding. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

  • InvPT proposes a novel end-to-end Inverted Pyramid multi-task Transformer to perform simultaneous modeling of spatial positions and multiple tasks in a unified framework.
  • InvPT presents an efficient UP-Transformer block to learn multi-task feature interaction at gradually increased resolutions, which also incorporates effective self-attention message passing and multi-scale feature aggregation to produce task-specific prediction at a high resolution.
  • InvPT achieves superior performance on NYUD-v2 and PASCAL-Context datasets respectively, and significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-arts.

InvPT enables jointly learning and inference of global spatial interaction and simultaneous all-task interaction, which is critically important for multi-task dense prediction.

Framework overview of the proposed Inverted Pyramid Multi-task Transformer (InvPT) for dense scene understanding.

😎 Demo

Watch the video To qualitatively demonstrate the powerful performance and generalization ability of our multi-task model InvPT, we further examine its multi-task prediction performance for dense scene understanding in the new scenes. Specifically, we train InvPT on PASCAL-Context dataset (with 4,998 training images) and generate prediction results of the video frames in DAVIS dataset without any fine-tuning. InvPT yields good performance on the new dataset with distinct data distribution. Watch the demo here!

📺 News

🚩 Updates

  • ✅ July 18, 2022: Update with InvPT models trained on PASCAL-Context and NYUD-v2 dataset!

😀 Train your InvPT!

1. Build recommended environment

For easier usage, we re-implement InvPT with a clean training framework, and here is a successful path to deploy the recommended environment:

conda create -n invpt python=3.7
conda activate invpt
pip install tqdm Pillow easydict pyyaml imageio scikit-image tensorboard
pip install opencv-python== setuptools==59.5.0

# An example of installing pytorch-1.10.0 with CUDA 11.1
pip install torch==1.10.0+cu111 torchvision==0.11.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

pip install timm==0.5.4 einops==0.4.1

2. Get data

We use the same data (PASCAL-Context and NYUD-v2) as ATRC. You can download the data by:

wget https://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/brdavid/atrc/NYUDv2.tar.gz
wget https://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/brdavid/atrc/PASCALContext.tar.gz

And then extract the datasets by:

tar xfvz NYUDv2.tar.gz
tar xfvz PASCALContext.tar.gz

You need to specify the dataset directory as db_root variable in configs/mypath.py.

3. Train the model

The config files are defined in ./configs, the output directory is also defined in your config file.

As an example, we provide the training script of the best performing model of InvPT with Vit-L backbone. To start training, you simply need to run:

bash run.sh # for training on PASCAL-Context dataset. 


bash run_nyud.sh # for training on NYUD-v2 dataset.

after specifcifing your devices and config in run.sh. This framework supports DDP for multi-gpu training.

All models are defined in models/ so it should be easy to deploy your own model in this framework.

4. Evaluate the model

The training script itself includes evaluation. For inferring with pre-trained models, you need to change run_mode in run.sh to infer.

Special evaluation for boundary detection

We follow previous works and use Matlab-based SEISM project to compute the optimal dataset F-measure scores. The evaluation code will save the boundary detection predictions on the disk.

Specifically, identical to ATRC and ASTMT, we use maxDist=0.0075 for PASCAL-Context and maxDist=0.011 for NYUD-v2. Thresholds for HED (under seism/parameters/HED.txt) are used. read_one_cont_png is used as IO function in SEISM.

🥳 Pre-trained InvPT models

To faciliate the community to reproduce our SoTA results, we re-train our best performing models with the training code in this repository and provide the weights for the reserachers.

Download pre-trained models

Version Dataset Download Segmentation Human parsing Saliency Normals Boundary
InvPT* PASCAL-Context google drive, onedrive 79.91 68.54 84.38 13.90 72.90
InvPT (our paper) PASCAL-Context - 79.03 67.61 84.81 14.15 73.00
ATRC (ICCV 2021) PASCAL-Context - 67.67 62.93 82.29 14.24 72.42
Version Dataset Download Segmentation Depth Normals Boundary
InvPT* NYUD-v2 google drive, onedrive 53.65 0.5083 18.68 77.80
InvPT (our paper) NYUD-v2 - 53.56 0.5183 19.04 78.10
ATRC (ICCV 2021) NYUD-v2 - 46.33 0.5363 20.18 77.94

*: reproduced results

Infer with the pre-trained models

Simply set the pre-trained model path in run.sh by adding --trained_model pretrained_model_path. You also need to change run_mode in run.sh to infer.

🤗 Cite


  title={Inverted Pyramid Multi-task Transformer for Dense Scene Understanding},
  author={Ye, Hanrong and Xu, Dan},

Please also consider 🌟 star our project to share with your community if you find this repository helpful!

😊 Contact

Please contact Hanrong Ye if any questions.

👍 Acknowledgement

This repository borrows partial codes from MTI-Net and ATRC.

🕴️ License

Creative commons license which allows for personal and research use only.

For commercial useage, please contact the authors.