
⚓ Small, focused projects to help you learn to problem solve and think in JS by Chris Ferdinandi

Primary LanguageHTML

Vanilla JS academy

JavaScript training program.


🔑 Show Passwords

Toggle password visibility with a checkbox.

Toggle Password Visibility

Toggling multiple password fields

Toggling passwords in multiple forms

🇦 Word Count

Count the number of words and characters in a block of text.

Character count

Character and Word Count

Announcing the Count with an actual screen reader

🔀 Random Ron

Show random Ron Swanson quotes using API calls.

Ramdom Ron

Random Ron without duplicates

📰 Top Stories

Use the New York Times API to get and display today's top stories.

NYT top stories

NYT multiple categories

NYT sanitizing

👾 Avoid the Monster

Create a fun game where you find your monster friends and avoid the sock.

Monster shuffle

Find the Monsters

Find the Monsters - Track Wins

📄 Table of Contents

Dynamically generate a table of contents from page headings.

Table of contents

Table od contents - Missing IDs

Table of contents - Scope

🌞 Weather App

Find a visitor's location and display their local weather.

Weather app

Weather plugin

📌 DOM Library

Create your own tiny DOM manipulation library.

Helper library

DOM manipulation library

DOM manipulation library with chaining methods

Form Saver

Automatically save form data as a user types.


Autosave single entry

Autosave other field types

📥 API Cache

Cache API data for more resilient apps.

Cache API

Cache API fallback

Countdown Timer

Create a countdown timer app for tracking tasks.

Countdown Timer

Timer Formated

Timer start and pause buttons

Timer Reactive Data

🧭 Explore

Explore cool, quirky places in your own backyard.


Favorites Places

Filter Places
