Get your Symfony project up and running in minutes/hours instead of days. From scaffolding to full admin areas & user accounts for your next SaaS. Got an idea? Get a website/app up and running in no time. Rapid application development for more than just a boilerplate.
Describe your project in a standardized structure that works as the single point of truth, from which everything can be generated, no matter if you need a secure API for your favorite Javascript framework, a customizable admin area for CRUD operations with rights management, a user area where users can manage their data and get access to offers of your SaaS...
SANDOBA//QUICKSTART for Symfony (QS) is flexible and adapts to your requirements. It comes as a Symfony Bundle that is preferably installed right after setting up a new Symfony installation. CLI commands walk you through the definition of your project. After that you can scaffold all the necessary pieces of Symfony code, following the best practices of modern Symfony and the most stringent requirements by static analyzers like PHPStan. This includes your entities, repositories, fixtures, PHPUnit tests, form types, controllers and additional changes e.g. to the Symfony configuration to easily work with the frontend technologies that you prefer (pure CSS/SCSS, Javascript/TypeScript, Tailwind or Bootstrap, React, Vue.js or Angular...). This scaffolding is not a one-off but you can evolve your project definition and SANDOBA//QUICKSTART for Symfony will guide you through the necessary changes.
SANDOBA//QUICKSTART for Symfony also provides you with a library of utility methods which make iterating your project on the basis of the generated code a breeze. While you are free to use any normal code for Symfony/Doctrine/PHP etc. just as before, these utility methods as well as additional CLI commands, Twig functions/filters give you access to more information about the system (Symfony, Git, Composer packages, NPM/Yarn packages, ...) and enable you to to get your work done faster.
More information will be added here soon. Release scheduled for Q4/2023.