
One last command to bootstrap typical Rails production environment ready for first deploy

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


I'm sick and tired of thousands of articles "How to setup Rails app server". Here is your last command to do that.

No configs, no questions. Just one ring to rule them all one command to get fully functional server with best security practices ready for first cap production deploy.


$ gem install from-scratch
$ scratchify your_app_name your.host.com

And everything is done. Then add following to your config/deploy.rb or config/deploy/production.rb for Capistrano:

server 'your.host.com', user: 'deploy', roles: %w(app db web)
set :deploy_to, "/home/deploy/#{fetch(:application)}"



  • APT-based Linux (Ubuntu, Debian)
  • YUM-based Linux (RedHat, CentOS)

Ruby installers:

  • RVM (default)
  • rbenv: scratchify your_app_name your.host.com --rbenv

Setting specific ruby version:

$ scratchify your_app_name your.host.com --ruby jruby-1.7.19

It's a kind of magic!

Not actully. Just preconfigured Chef. Here are the things done with the command:

  • Install user-wide RVM with latest MRI (2.2.4)
  • Install PostgreSQL, create database with user, pg_tune a little
  • Add deploy non-admin user to system specially for your app, upload your SSH pub key to it
  • Install nginx and replace it's default site config with one prepared for rails app
  • Generate app folder inside deploy's home and generate database.yml and secrets.yml

Things you need to know

Nginx config is set up to connect to unix socket placed at /home/deploy/your_app_name/shared/tmp/sockets/application.sock. Change it manually or config your favorite app server (Puma, Unicorn, Thin etc) to place it's socket there.

You can just ssh deploy@your.host.com because your SSH pub key is already there.

Both postgres and your_app_name DB users get (different) randomly generated passwords. You can see app-user password inside config/database.yml, but postgres password is not saved anywhere. If you need admin access to your PostgreSQL, then you should SSH as root and:

# su - postgres
$ psql


Feel free to create bug-reports and feature-requests here on Issues page


All help is highly appreciated. I'll be thankful for recipes fixes and advices as well as new features implementations. Just fork and pull-request when you have some proposals.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.