
A11Y Workshop for 2022 React Alicante

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web Accessibility in JavaScript Apps

The web is awesome and everyone should be able to enjoy it.

Hi there! I'm Sandrina Pereira and I believe that making the web accessible is our duty as web creators.

Pre-Workshop requirements

To get the most out of the workshop, please do the following things in advance.

  • Install Chrome or Firefox. I'll be using Chrome most of the time.
  • Setup the project prior to the workshop to avoid unexpected installation issues.
  • Install the browser extensions that we will use during the workshop.
  • Familiarize yourself with the basics of a SR (screen reader). Read below for further practical guidance.
  • Bring ear/headphones to use the Screen Reader in the workshop room.

The better prepared you are for the workshop, the more you will learn from it!


💭 At the end of the workshop, I highly appreacite your anonymous feedback.

Setup the workshop


Install Git and NodeJS.

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/sandrina-p/workshop-a11y-react-alicante

# Go to workshop folder
cd workshop-a11y-react-alicante

# Install the dependencies
npm install

# Run the project
npm run dev

You should see the project opening in a new localhost tab.

Browser extensions

We'll explore some browser extensions:

The ones below we'll use frequently:

At some point, we'll might also use the following:

Screen Readers

We'll explore SR (Screen Reader), however during a remote workshop it's not practical to teach everyone how to use a SR. Here's some friendly video tutorials for you to practice in the meantime:

My favorite cheatsheet of keyboard shortcuts:

I encourage you to practice with this playground.

Tip: While the SR is speaking, press Control key to force it to stop reading it. This might help you to reduce the annoying/frustration feeling while exploring it.

MacOS Tip: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Voice Over Utility > Web > General. Uncheck "Automatically speak the webpage".

Good luck 🤞


This project is available for private, non-commercial use under the BSD 3-Clause License.

The workshop exercises are proprietary and are licensed on a per-individual basis, usually as a result of purchasing a ticket to a workshop, or being a participant in a private training.

Here are some guidelines for things that are OK and Not OK based on this license:


  • Using everything in this project other than the briefings and exercises to build a project used for your own free or commercial training material;
  • Copying code from build scripts, configuration files, tests and development harnesses that are not part of the exercises specifically, for your own projects;
  • As an owner of an individual license, using code from tests, exercises, or exercise solutions for your own non-training-related project.

Not OK (without express written consent)

  • Using this project, or any subset of exercises contained within this project to run your own workshops;
  • Writing a book that uses the code from these exercises;
  • Recording a screencast that contains one or more of this project's exercises.


© 2022 Sandrina Pereira, All Rights Reserved, under BSD 3-Clause License.

This material cannot be used for workshops, training, or any other form of instructing or teaching, without express written consent.