
Here goes another set of libraries to help out. Separated into a few assemblies to avoid loading too much stuff in your app.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Here goes another set of libraries to help out: SandRock's toolkit. Separated into a few assemblies to avoid loading too much stuff in your app.

License: Apache License Version 2.0


  • release/2.0 current major release (WIP)
    • dev/v2.0.0 current development effort
  • release/1.2 previous release (hotfixes only)
  • release/1.1 old release (hotfixes only)

Assemblies and nugets

v2.0 (netstandard2.0 and AspNetCore, keep partial support for net46) - "near stable"

Keep support for latest .NET Framework and MVC5, full support for AspNetCore.

WARNING: work is in progress

Assembly FX Nuget Remark
SrkToolkit.Common net46, netstandard2.0, net7.0 nuget prerelease
SrkToolkit.Domain net46, netstandard2.0, net7.0 nuget prerelease
SrkToolkit.Web.AspMvcCore2 netstandard2.0, net7.0 nuget prerelease
SrkToolkit.Domain.AspMvcCore2 netstandard2.0, net7.0, nuget prerelease

v1.2 (support for net40 and MVC 4, net45 and MVC 5, netstandard2.0) - "stable"

Keep support for many .NET Framework and MVC5, growing support for newer .NET.

Assembly FX Nuget Remark
SrkToolkit.Common net40, net45, netstandard2.0 nuget
SrkToolkit.Domain net40, net45, netstandard2.0 nuget
SrkToolkit.Web (for ASP MVC 3) net40 nuget mvc4
SrkToolkit.Web (for ASP MVC 4) net45 nuget mvc5
SrkToolkit.Domain.AspMvc3 net40, nuget mvc4
SrkToolkit.Domain.AspMvc4 net45 nuget mvc5
SrkToolit.WebForms net40

v1.1 (support for net40 and MVC 4, net45 and MVC 5) - "obsolete"

Support for many .NET Framework and MVC4/MVC5.

Assembly FX Nuget Remark
SrkToolkit.Common net40, net45 nuget
SrkToolkit.Common.Unsafe net40
SrkToolkit.Domain net40, net45 nuget
SrkToolkit.Web (for ASP MVC 3) net40 nuget mvc4
SrkToolkit.Web (for ASP MVC 4) net45 nuget mvc5
SrkToolkit.Domain.AspMvc3 net40, nuget mvc4
SrkToolkit.Domain.AspMvc4 net45 nuget mvc5
SrkToolit.WebForms net40
SrkToolit.Xaml net40, wp70, wp71, sl4
SrkToolkit.Mvvm net40, wp70, wp71, sl4
SrkToolkit.Services net40, wp70, wp71, sl4

See all nuget packages

Content at-a-glance

extend the framework to write code faster

  • date manipulations, DataAnnotations
  • string manipulations (trim with suffix, AsNullIfEmpty(), AddHtmlLineBreaks(), TrimTextToWord(), HtmlParagraphizify(), RemoveDiacritics(), MakeUrlFriendly())
  • NameValueCollection.ToDictionary()
  • ObservableCollection: AddRange(IEnumerable<T>), RemoveAll(Func<T, bool>)
  • StopwatchExtensions: fluent methods to avoid writing many lines of code when using it
  • email address decomposition (account, tags, local part, domain part) and validation
  • no fancy stuff like StringExtension.IsEmpty())

And more...

Request-Result-ErrorCode pattern

SrkToolkit.Domain contains a few classes to represent API or domain operations.

Use the rrr code snippet to obtain a set of types for an operation.

extensions for ASP MVC

  • date and time display helpers (based on timezone, standard formats, tag...)
  • PageInfo is the one object to set your page title, description, meta tags, opengraph values...
  • fixed AuthorizeAttribute to return a "HTTP 403 Forbidden" instead of 401 auth page when already authenticated
  • 1-line error handling code for customized http-accept-aware error pages
  • wrapper for tempmessages to show nice informations, warnings and errors (extension methods for both controllers and view)
  • DecimalModelBinder with "friendly" decimal separator detection (useful for stupid cultures like French)
  • OpenGraph extensions to easily ouput tags in your page
  • BaseSessionService class that allows auto-populating new and expired sessions in a lazy way
  • ResultService class that allows oupting error pages from actions
  • Html.DescriptionFor() to show the Description property from the [DisplayAttribute(Name = "", Description = "<desc here>")]
  • Html.Submit() 'cauz it's missing
  • UrlHelper.SetQueryString(string url, params string[] keysAndValues) to add/change query strings from a raw url
  • JsonNetResult: ActionResult class that allows you to specify your favorite JSON serializer
  • HttpRequest: .IsXmlHttpRequest(), .IsUrlLocalToHost(url), IsPost()...

And more...

Signed code

All assemblies are signed. The real key is not in source control; I keep it to ensure my builds are only made by myself (yes, I know that is not 100% true).

The latest build can be found here: https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=Tags%3A%22srktoolkit%22

Want unsigned assemblies? Get the code, remove the option and build.