
Opinionated PHP immutable value object example with deep nesting, JsonSerializable, snake_case and camelCase

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

PHP ^8.1 Value Objects Redux

Opinionated PHP immutable value object example with deep nesting, \JsonSerializable, \IteratorAggregate, snake_case and camelCase. Please see example-php, source and tests for more details.

  • simple and short immutable value objects
  • plain value objects have 4 methods fromNative(...), toNative(), equals(...) and jsonSerialize()
  • records have additional 2 methods with(iterable|self $data) and getIterator()
  • records are traversable, you can iterate over the properties
  • union types for creating value objects from scalar or same value object type
  • init() method example to initialize optional properties with default values
  • snake_case and camelCase keys

Example for a String value object:

final readonly class FirstName implements Immutable, \Stringable
    use FuncTrait;

    private function __construct(public readonly string $v)

    public static function fromNative(string|self $firstName): self
        return $firstName instanceof self ? $firstName : new self($firstName);

    public function toNative(): string
        return $this->jsonSerialize();

    public function jsonSerialize(): string
        return $this->v;

    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->v;

Example for a date value object:

final readonly class LastLogin implements \Stringable, Immutable
    use FuncTrait;

    private const OUTPUT_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:sP';

    public static function fromNative(string|int|DateTimeImmutable|self $v): self
        switch (\gettype($v)) {
            case 'integer':
                $datetime = (new DateTimeImmutable())->setTimestamp($v);

            case 'string':
                $datetime = new DateTimeImmutable($v);

                if ($v instanceof self) {
                    return $v;
                $datetime = $v;


        return new self(self::ensureUtc($datetime));

    public function toNative(): string
        return $this->jsonSerialize();

    private function __construct(public readonly DateTimeImmutable $v)

    private static function ensureUtc(DateTimeImmutable $timestamp): DateTimeImmutable
        if ($timestamp->getTimezone()->getName() !== 'UTC') {
            $timestamp = $timestamp->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));

        return $timestamp;

    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->jsonSerialize();

    public function jsonSerialize(): string
        return $this->v->format(self::OUTPUT_FORMAT);

Example for a record value object:

final class Account implements ImmutableRecord
    use FuncTrait;

    private static array $__objectKeys;

    private function __construct(
        public readonly FirstName $firstName,
        public readonly LastName $lastName,
        public readonly Address $address,
        public readonly Active $active,
        public readonly ?Age $age = null
    ) {

     * @param iterable{firstName : string, lastName : string, age : int|null, address : array} $data
    public static function fromNative(iterable|self $data): static
        return $data instanceof self ? $data : new self(...self::convertFromNative($data));

    public function toNative(): array
        return $this->jsonSerialize();

    public function with(iterable|self $data): static
        return new self(...self::convertFromNative([...\get_object_vars($this), ...$data]));

    public function getIterator(): Traversable
        yield 'firstName' => $this->firstName;
        yield 'lastName' => $this->lastName;
        yield 'age' => $this->age;
        yield 'address' => $this->address->getIterator();
        yield 'active' => $this->active;

    public function jsonSerialize(): array
        return [
            'firstName' => $this->firstName->v,
            'lastName' => $this->lastName->v,
            'age' => $this->age?->v,
            'address' => $this->address->jsonSerialize(),
            'active' => $this->active->v,

    private static function convertFromNative(iterable $data): iterable
        if (! isset(self::$__objectKeys)) {
            self::$__objectKeys = \array_keys(\get_class_vars(self::class));

        $initialized = [];

        foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
            // order independent
            switch ($field) {
                case 'lastName':
                case 'last_name':
                    yield 'lastName' => LastName::fromNative($value);

                case 'firstName': // camelCase
                case 'first_name': // snakeCase
                    yield 'firstName' => FirstName::fromNative($value);

                case 'address': // deep nesting
                    yield $field => Address::fromNative($value);

                case 'age': // can be null
                    if ($value !== null) {
                        yield $field => Age::fromNative($value);

                case 'active':
                    yield $field => Active::fromNative($value);

                    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf(
                        'Invalid property passed to Record %s. Got property with key ' . $field,
            $initialized[] = $field;

        yield from self::init(\array_diff(self::$__objectKeys, $initialized));

    private static function init(array $properties): \Generator
        foreach ($properties as $property) {
            switch ($property) {
                case 'active':
                    yield $property => Active::fromNative(true);

                    // intentionally omitted