
Search and download CBERS4A imagery from INPE.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

icon CBERS4A Downloader

Search and download CBERS4A imagery from INPE (Brazilian National Institute for Space Research). To download the images it is necessary to register at http://www2.dgi.inpe.br/catalogo/explore.

usage: cbers4a.pyz [-h] [--print | --download CREDENTIAL] [-i ITEM_ID]
                   [-c COLLECTION_ID] [--spat XMIN YMIN XMAX YMAX]
                   [--date BEGIN END] [--cloud_cover NUM]
                   [--path_row PATH ROW] [--limit LIMIT] [-t | --detail]
                   [-a ASSET_ID] [--save FILENAME] [-o /path/to/output/dir/]
                   [-l] [--version]

Search and download CBERS4A imagery from INPE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            list available collections and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit

  --print               search and print a list with matched items (default)
  --download CREDENTIAL
                        search and download matched items

search options:
  -i ITEM_ID, --id ITEM_ID
                        item to return, ignores everything else
                        collection to search for items
                        the area of interest (WGS84)
  --date BEGIN END      begin and end date given in the format YYYY-MM-DD
  --cloud_cover NUM     maximum cloud cover percentage
  --path_row PATH ROW   orbit (path) and scene center (row)
  --limit LIMIT         maximum number of items of each collection to return
                        (defaults to 10)

print options:
  -t, --total           suppress listing, show only the number of matched
  --detail              also lists available assets

download options:
  -a ASSET_ID, --asset ASSET_ID
                        download only specified asset (default: all)
  --save FILENAME       also save items as a FeaturesCollection GeoJSON file
  -o /path/to/output/dir/, --outdir /path/to/output/dir/
                        output directory