
Example of a custom kubernetes controller

Primary LanguageGo

App Manager

It's an implementation example of a custom Kubernetes controller. App Manager is responsible for triggering builds and deploying new applications in a Kubernetes cluster


Minikube v1.6+

How it works

  1. An user creates a deployment paused with the following annotations:
  • app.manager.build - A string boolean (true|false) indicating to trigger a new build
  • app.manager.clone-url - Contain the URL of the git server where the app of the user resides
  • app.manager.registry-url - The FQDN of the registry where the image will be pushed
  • app.manager.registry-org - The organization or the owner of the registry
  1. The controller watches for deployments resources and identify candidates for builds based on the following annotation app.manager.build=true
  2. Creates a POD resource to build the application, the builder is responsible for:
  • Clone the application in a specific directory using the app.manager.clone-url annotation as the URL
  • Detect the type of the application and trigger a docker build with a specific Dockerfile
  • Push the new image to the registry using the annotations app.manager.registry-url and app.manager.registry-org
  1. Watch for pods resources with app.manager/builder=true labels with the Completed state in status.phase
  2. Update the deployment with the new image triggering a new release