
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Development Environment Class UML Diagram

Name of the web application


[Members of the development team

Name Mail GitHub
Israel Peñalver Sánchez i.penalver.2016@alumnos.urjc.es IsraelSonseca
Natalia Madrueño Sierro n.madrueno@alumnos.urjc.es madrueno
Sandra Gómez Gálvez s.gomezgalv@alumnos.urjc.es sandruskyi
Zhihao Du Chen z.duc@alumnos.urjc.es ZhihaoDC
Sergio Casado López s.casadolo@alumnos.urjc.es Segismundo

Team coordination





Muestra, con filtros, temas, obras y autores disponible en el sistema. Permite: Login, logout, y crear, abrir y eliminar tanto tema, obra y autor.

Pestaña autor: Muestra todas las citas de sus obras, todas sus obras y todos los temas con alguna de sus citas junto con sus campos (nombre, url foto, fehcas de nacimiento y defunción -optativa- lugar de nacimiento, url mapa) permitiendo: Modificar campo de autor (click), directamente cambiando el valor de cualquiera de sus campos Logout, si ya está “loggeado”

Pestaña Obra: Muestra la obra con sus campos (título, url de la imagen de la obra, su foto, fecha de publicación, editorial y url de la imagen de la editorial y su foto) junto con los temas donde está citada dicha obra, sus autores, el resto de autores con filtro de búsqueda y sus citas.

Muestra el tema con el texto, la obra y autor de cada una de sus citas en campos y en formato HTML correspondiente junto con todas sus obras, autores y citas referenciadas con el resto de citas filtradas, permitiendo: Añadir cita a tema (+), mediante la selección de uno de los autores restantes Eliminar cita de tema (-), avisando al usuario que se pierden los datos Generar pdf (botón), abriendo el documento en formato pdf correspondiente Logout, si ya está “loggeado”

Navigation Diagram

  • Guest View

  • Users View

  • Admin View

Database Entity Diagram

Class UML Diagram

Development Environment

To carry out this work we have used Spring Tool Suite.

This development environment allows you to have almost everything you need to develop the web.

You must install:

  • MySql

You also need to have the latest version of JDK and MAVEN installed on your machine.

Once you download the code and have all these, go to Spring Tool Suite and open the project. You must wait for everything to load, it may take a few minutes.

Then, you must create a SQL Database, using MySQL extension, with the following credentials:

  • User: root
  • Password: root

Once it is loaded, place the cursor on the application.class and click on run. Once it has been executed, open the browser and enter the following URL: https//:localhost:8443/.

Admin account registered:

  • User: admin
  • Pass: pass

User account registered:

  • User: user
  • Pass: pass




Run in Postman


Green and blue boxes have the same equivalent logic, and can acces to services, where there is the implementation of the logic.


Now, we will explain what to do to execute our application on Docker.

First of all, we need to install Docker:

  • Docker

The sudo command will depend on your docker configuration. We will use 2 containers: MySQL and another containing the Web application and the REST API. If you want to download the images separately you can download them by typing in the shell:

  <  (sudo) docker pull mysql >
  <  (sudo) docker pull sandruskyi/api  >

To run the Dockerizada application with Docker-compose: Go to the folder Santatecla-bibliography -2/Docker type in the shell:

< 	(sudo)./create_image.sh  	>

The script will execute a build of the Dockerfile. txt and also "Docker-Compose up " So the application will be running and you can access it through:

  • If you want to see your processes running:

    < (sudo) docker ps >

  • If you want to stop them:

< (sudo) docker stop (image ID) >

  • If you want to delete them:

    < (sudo) docker rm (image ID) >

  • To stop or delete all your images:

    < (sudo) docker stop $( (sudo) docker ps -a -q)&gt; &lt; sudo) docker rm $( (sudo) docker ps -a -q)>



At the first moment, we need install Node.js in our local machine

  • Node.js

We are working with Visual Studio Code. Once yo have installed and open VSCode, you have to open the terminal and enter the following commands:

< cd ng* >

< npm install -g @angular/cli* >

< npm save echarts >

< npm install -save @covalent/echarts >

< npm install --save https://github.com/Teradata/covalent-echarts-nightly.git >

< npm start >

Now, you are ready to develop this app web, main files are on ng/app

Angular Diagrams

Demo Video

We have recorded a small video, in order to show, as a demo, the final appearance of the application and its functionalities using Angular.
