
Godot plugin for making 2D sandbox games like Terraria and Starbound.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Godot plugin for making 2D sandbox games like Terraria and Starbound. This is in early development and should not be used for production projects.



Requires Godot Mono. Documentation for using c# in Godot.

  1. Create addons/ folder in your project directory.
  2. Clone this repository into the addons/ folder.
  3. Open your project in Godot and click on Build. You may need to create a new c# script to have this option.
  4. Enable this plugin from Project Settings -> Plugins menu.

You should now see the custom types BlockMap, BlockFluid, BlockLayer, and CPU-BlockLighting in the Create New Node menu.


  • Add BlockMap to your scene.
    • Create a Camera 2D and set Preview Cam of BlockMap to that camera.
    • Set Block Size to the size of your tiles in pixels.
    • Create a generator script and put it in Generator Script. See GeneratorTemplate.gd for formatting.
    • Define the properties of all your blocks in Block Properties.
  • Add a BlockLayer node as a child of BlockMap for every layer that you want.
    • Update Tile Set
  • Add BlockFluid as a child of one of the BlockLayer nodes.
  • Add CPU-BlockLighting as a child of BlockMap.
    • Set Lighting Layer to the index of the BlockLayer that you want to interact with the lighting.




  • Preview Camera: Camera used for previewing terrain.
  • Generator Script: Script used for world generation. See GeneratorTemplate.gd for formatting.
  • Block Size: Size of each block in pixels.
  • Chunk Size: Size of each chunk in blocks.
  • Padding: Additional chunks outside of camera.
  • Block Propetries: Array of dictionaries containing properties of each block. Index 0 is reserved for air.
    • Solid: Whether the block will occlude ambient light.
    • Light Absorb: How much the block will absorb light for each color channel.
    • Emit: The light emission color of this block.
    • Emit Strength: The light emission strength of this block.

Block Fluid

  • Update Fps: The number of simulation steps that are computed every second.
  • Block Id: The block that the simulation is run for.
  • Color: The primary color of the fluid.
  • Color2: The color of the fluid when it has Max Flow amount of fluid.
  • Vertical Only: Enable if you want sand physics like in Minecraft.
  • Min Value: The minimum amount of fluid a block can have.
  • Max Value: The maximum amount of fluid a block can have before compression.
  • Max Compression: The greatest difference in fluid amount two vertically adjacent blocks can have.
  • Min Flow: The minimum amount of fluid that can flow from one block to the next.
  • Max Flow: The maximum amount of fluid that can flow from one block to the next.
  • Flow Speed: The speed at which fluid flows from one block to the next.


  • Ambient: The color of ambient lighting.
  • Ambient Strength: The strength of ambient lighting.
  • Ambient End: The lowest elevation where ambient lighting can be at full strength.
  • Ambient Falloff Range: The range after Ambient End where ambient lighting strength transitions to 0.
  • Light Threshold: The minimum light value that the light is propagated for. Lower values produce higher quality lighting at the cost of performance.
  • Smooth: Whether filter is enabled for the lighting texture that is generated.
  • Colored: Whether colored lighting is computed. Disable for better performance.
  • Lighting Layers: Array of integers representing the Ids of layers that will interact with lighting.