TYPO3 Neos TypoScript Debugger


  • adds button "Activate debugger" at the final end of all output
  • if activated, opens the debugger in a new window
  • shows the TypoScript rendering tree
  • when hovering over the rendering tree, you get more information about data types, TypoScript object configuration, the current context, and the generated output.
  • when hovering over the rendering tree, the corresponding page parts on the webpage are highlighted
  • this also works the other way round: hover over elements on the page and see the corresponding TypoScript element highlighted
  • when hovering over the context variables in the details-column, you see the tree nodes in the rendering which are using exactly the same context.


  • more meaningful output of TypoScript Configuration, especially support for Eel Expressions, and the prototype/override chain
  • the displayed TypoScript should have references pointing back to the files where it has been defined.

To enable this feature, you also need the corresponding change for TYPO3.TypoScript (as long as it is not merged yet):


I'm happy for just a few hours of work :-)

Thanks to Mattias Nilsson for doing the styling of this debugger!