
ContribKanban.com - turning Drupal.org issue queues into kanban boards to better Drupalkind

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ContribKanban.com is a MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS (MEAN) application hosted on Platform.sh. It utilizes the Drupal.org API to provide kanban board for project issue queues.

This application was my attempt at learning AngularJS and providing a useful tool to the Drupal community. The goal is to provide the Drupal.org community with a simpler way to sprint on projects.

Looking for more? Check out my Chrome application Drupal Issue Tracking


This project was just opened up May 4th 2015. It started off as a pet project at the beginning of the year and a tool for Global Sprint Weekened 2015. Feel free to open pull requests to improve the code and add tests.

Support the project

I'm currently hosting the application on a personal server and able to use the free Parse.com service level. If you'd like to support the project outside of code contributions consider Gratipay.

Support via Gratipay