average_objects --------------- average_objects output.obj input1.obj [input2.obj [input3.obj ...]] Reads a number of input files, which may be of any type as long as each has the same number of points. Output a file of the type of input1.obj, but with the point position set to the mean position of the corresponding points in the input files. average_surfaces ---------------- average_surfaces output.obj none|rms_file none|variance_file n_groups input1.obj [input2.obj...] Reads a number of surface (POLYGONS) files, and outputs the mean surface, computed as for average_objects. In addition, the RMS distance and inverse covariance matrix can be written to files. create_grid ----------- create_grid out.obj x|y|z slice_position [x|y|z line_position] ... The file out.obj consists of a set of lines in the specified plane X=slice_position (or Y= or Z=). The set of lines desired are specified in the following pairs of arguments. dump_curvatures --------------- dump_curvatures object_file output_file [curvature_distance] The parameter curvature_distance defaults to 4. evaluate -------- evaluate volume.mnc input.obj output.txt [degree] degree is an integer, passed to evaluate_volume_in_world(), where -1 = nearest-neighbour, otherwise use an order-(degree+1) polynomial to interpolate Typically used for vertex colouring of objects. For each vertex of the geometrical object, the point is located in the volume. The volume values are written to the output text file in the order that the vertices are visited. Each object in the BIC obj file is processed in sequence. make_slice ---------- make_slice in.mnc out.obj x|y|z v|w pos [xt] [yt] The file in.mnc sets the coordinate systems. The output consists of a polygon or quadmesh in the plane "X=pos" (Y=pos, Z=pos, respectively), in either the voxel or world coordinate system depending on the 4th parameter. The optional parameters "xt" and "yt" specify the number of rows and columns in the mesh; the values "2 2" are the most useful. set_line_width -------------- set_line_width in.obj out.obj [thickness] Copies in.obj to out.obj, changing the thickness of any LINES objects found. The default thickness is 1.0. set_object_colour ----------------- set_object_colour in.obj out.obj colour_name Copies in.obj to out.obj changing the colour of each object in the file. set_object_colour in.obj Prints the colour of each object in the file. subdivide_polygons ------------------ subdivide_polygons input.obj [output.obj] [n_polygons] Subdivides any polygons in the file. If the output file is not specified, the input file is overwritten with the newly subdivided objects. If n_polygons is specified, the polygons will be resampled to that size. Otherwise, the number of polygons in the output will be four times the input size.