
A netbox plugin to allow easier access to the IPMI for OVH managed bare metal servers.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Netbox IPMI OVH Plugin

A plugin used to add a button in the dcim.device to allow easier access to the IPMI for OVH managed bare metal servers. Tested on NetBox v2.11.12, v3.0.0 and v3.1.7.


This follow the process of installing a plugin in NetBox [https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugins/]

Package Installation from PyPi, from the netbox virtualenv

source /opt/netbox/venv/bin/activate
pip install netbox-ipmi-ovh
cd /opt/netbox/netbox/
python3 manage.py migrate

Package Installation from source

git clone https://github.com/sanecz/netbox-ipmi-ovh
cd netbox-ipmi-ovh
source /opt/netbox/venv/bin/activate
pip3 install .
cd /opt/netbox/netbox/
python3 manage.py migrate

Enable the plugin

To enable the plugin, add/update in the configuration.py file

    'netbox_ipmi_ovh': {
        'ovh_server_name_field': 'existing field or custom field',
	'ovh_endpoint_field': 'existing or custom field',
        'endpoints': {
            'account1-ovh-eu': {
	        'endpoint': 'ovh-eu',
	        'application_key': 'xxxx',
		'application_secret': 'yyyy',
		'consumer_key': 'zzzz'
	    'account2-soyoustart-ca': {
	        'endpoint': 'soyoustart-ca',
	        'application_key': 'xxxx',
		'application_secret': 'yyyy',
		'consumer_key': 'zzzz'	    

The fields ovh_server_name_field, ovh_endpoint_field and endpoints are mandatory.

Restart Netbox

sudo systemctl restart netbox

Required permissions

To be able to use the plugin, a user should have the following permissions:

  • netbox_ipmi_ovh.view_ipmi


A button will be present in dcim.devices to select the type of IPMI access you want to use. As of 01/02/2022, only kvmipHtml5URL, kvmipJnlp, serialOverLanURL and serialOverLanSshKey are available.

You can create custom fields to store required informations for the plugin to work (i.e the server name from OVH and the endpoint used for the api calls) or use existing fields (like asset tag or serial number or the name), but be careful to fill correctly ovh_endpoint_field and ovh_server_name_field with the name of the fields you want to use, there is no default value.