Create Your Own Website

  1. First you'll need to signup for a github account

  2. In the top bar of github click:

    + > New repository

  3. Title your repository:


  4. Add a file called index.html, copy it from this repo.

  5. Open up the page in your web browser by double clicking the file.

  6. Change all the occurences of Your Name to your name.

  7. Put an image in the same repository and change the following tag to the name of your image.

    <src="yourimage.jpg" class="thumbnail displayed" height="400px" align="middle">

  8. Boostrap has a column system, columns are divided into 12 parts. See this page:

Setup your own free domain

  1. Go to

  2. Find a domain and click Add then click Complete Order

  3. Enter your bu email on the next page and click continue

  4. Click Dashboard > Manage > Advanced DNS > Host Records > Add Records

  5. Create a new record:

    Host: @
    IP Address:
    TTL: Automatic
    Name: github pages```
  6. Create another record with the same parameters except the ip should be:

  7. Go back to the github repo and create a file called CNAME with the contents:

  8. Open up, you should now see your website!

Credit to: @scarleth095