Pryzm Node Deployment

This repository contains Ansible scripts for the installation, updating, and removal of a Pryzm node on Linux systems. The playbooks are designed to simplify the process of setting up a Pryzm node, managing its services, and streamlining node operations.


A Linux system (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS recommended) with root access and docker installed. Git and Ansible version 2.15 or newer installed on your machine.

Getting Started

Step 1: Installing Dependencies

Update your system's package list:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install Ansible and Git:

sudo apt install ansible git -y

Step 2: Downloading the Project

Clone this repository to access the Ansible playbook and all necessary files:

git clone
cd deploy-node-pryzm

Step 3: Installing Pryzm Node

Execute the playbook using the following command, specifying the moniker (node name) as an extra variable:

ansible-playbook install_pryzm_feeder.yml -e moniker="your_node_name"

Note: The moniker is the name of your node.

Step 4: Viewing Logs Pryzm node

To view the logs for the Pryzm node:

journalctl -u pryzm-node -f -o cat

Step 5: Requesting Testnet Funds

Request Testnet Funds: After installing the Pryzm feeder, request testnet funds by providing the Pryzm feeder wallet address generated at the end of the install_pryzm_feeder.yml script execution. Visit to request funds. You will need the wallet address provided at the end of the Pryzm Check Node Synchronization: To ensure your node is fully synchronized, execute:

pryzmd status | jq .SyncInfo

Step 6: Checking Node Synchronization

To check the synchronization status of your node after installing Pryzm Feeder, use the following command:

pryzmd status | jq .SyncInfo

Wait for 30 minutes to an hour for the node to synchronize. When the catching_up variable is set to false, your node is synchronized.

Step 7: Creating the Validator and Linking to the Feeder

Once Pryzm Feeder is installed and your node is synchronized, execute the following playbook to create a validator and link it to the feeder:

ansible-playbook create_validator_and_link_feeder.yml

During this step, you will be prompted to input the following information:

moniker : "node_name" details : "a sentence of your choice" website : "your website" contact info : "how to contact you" feeder : "the wallet feeder address"

Step 8: Viewing state validator

You can check your state validator by pasting your valoper adresse The valoper address is provided at the end of the execution of the create_validator_and_link_feeder.yml script.

Additional Note

Stopping Services

To stop the Pryzm node and Pryzm feeder services:

sudo systemctl stop pryzm-node
sudo systemctl stop pryzm-feeder

Starting Services

To start the Pryzm node and Pryzm feeder services:

sudo systemctl stop pryzm-node
sudo systemctl stop pryzm-feeder

Removing the Pryzm Node

To remove the Pryzm node and Pryzm feeder, simply run the playbook again with the action set to remove:

ansible-playbook remove_node_pryzm.yml

Make sure to back up any important data before removing the Pryzm node, as this action may delete node data.