Simple Calculator Using Tkinter.

                                       A simple mathematicla calculator using the python 3 and using the tkinter module on it. 

Design and function:

              I have desigh the simple calculator which perform the simple mathmetical calculation like sum ,minus , division , modulous. 
              And we can also  clear the screen by using clear button on it.
           Further working in this project to make the back button work once . so the user can delete their output one by one as needed.

Function and code explain:

   eval() =  This function is used to evaluate the mathmatical data that convert into appropriate fromat.
      Lambda is the anymous function tha take any number of argunment , but can haveonly one expresion. 
       that we can click any button but the defined button only.
       iconbitmap it is used to chage the them of the project.
         concentation this function helps to merge the two string data .so that the data that the user input will not over write over each other.
             Grid is used to place the button in the proper place so that the button canot get misplaced.
The code is running in the main loop() so that the program run until and unless the user execute it.

Output of the Project :


Bhesh Raj Bastola
  Batch 30 computing B
  Student id: 210203