
NNIA final Project

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NNIA final Project

The repository contains necessary scripts and data concerning NNIA final project. Goals:

  • Part 1
    • Data pre-processing
    • extract relevant information e.g. POS tags
    • Analyze: size, classes, balanced/imbalanced, length of sequences​
  • Part 2
    • Encode data using BERT​
    • Train a LSTM model for POS​
    • Track training performance using wandb

Table of Contents

  1. data
    • sample.conll
  2. ontonetes-4.0
  3. results
  4. src
    • data_preprocess.py
    • ontonotes4.py
    • run.py
    • tokenizze.py
  5. environment.yml
  6. instructions
    • instructions_part1_1.pdf
    • instructions_part1_2.pdf
  8. README.md

General information

  • Prepare the envrionment to use:
    conda env update --file environment.yml


Data Preprocessing

Part 1

  • Help: for instructions on how to run the script with appropriate arguments.
    python src/data_preprocess.py --help

    usage: data_preprocess.py [-h] input_f out_dir
    Data-preprocessing script
    positional arguments:
    input_f     path to input file in conll format
    out_dir     output dir to save results
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help  show this help message and exit```
  • Run pre-processing

    python src/data_preprocess.py data/sample.conll results

Part 2

  • Load the dataset and tokenize python src/tokenizze.py ontonetes-4.0/

    usage: tokenizze.py [-h] [-save_emb SAVE_EMB] [-load_emb LOAD_EMB] [-batch_size BATCH_SIZE] ip_dir
    Tokenization and generating BERT embeddings using the transformers Package
    positional arguments:
    ip_dir                Ontonotes4 dir with conll gold files
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -save_emb SAVE_EMB    save BERT embeddings
    -load_emb LOAD_EMB    choice to load pre-trained embeddings
    -batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                            batch size when generating embedding
  • Train and Test


    python src/run.py lstm models/

    NOTE: GRU is prone to errors at the moment.

    usage: run.py [-h] [-num_layers NUM_LAYERS] [-dropout DROPOUT] [-batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [-hidden_dim HIDDEN_DIM] [-epochs EPOCHS] model_choice emb_dir
    positional arguments:
    model_choice          choose your model: lstm, gru
    emb_dir               path to embeddings dir
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -num_layers NUM_LAYERS
                            number of hidden layers
    -dropout DROPOUT      dropout parameter
    -batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                            batch size
    -hidden_dim HIDDEN_DIM
                            dimension of hidden layers
    -epochs EPOCHS        number of training epochs
  • Results Training performance can be seen at https://wandb.ai/sangeet2020/LSTM%20Bert%20POS%20tagging?workspace=user-sangeet2020