
This repository holds the Express Data library. This library is a easy to use wrapper around Dapper and Dapper Contrib and exposes APIs to do single line CRUD operations on databases with proper disposing

Primary LanguageC#


If your project needs to fire queries to a relational database often at different places of your code. This lightweight library will be helpfull.

Express.Data allows playing with database queries easy by making use of Dapper, DapperContrib and DTO classes. Examples are provided below. This library is a wrapper around the popular Dapper micro ORM and it's extension Dapper.Contrib. It works with any relational database and runs over ADO.NET and DapperMicroORM

The library exposes easy to use API for all kind of database CRUD operations.

alt text

Package Manager

The library is available free on NuGet https://www.nuget.org/packages/Twileloop.ExpressData

Install-Package Twileloop.ExpressData -Version 1.0.0


Version Information

Version Change log
v1.1 Basic CRUD Operations support

Repository Contents

This repo maintains 2 projects. The main library and a demo project to implement it


Before running the demo program

  1. Create a table named tblUsers
  2. Create 3 columns Id, Fname and Lname
  3. Set the connection string to database server inside Main()


C# POCO Model building. The model should be decorated with Dapper.Contrib attributes for proper working. Here is an example

using Dapper.Contrib.Extensions;

namespace Demo
    public class tblUser
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string FName { get; set; }
        public string LName { get; set; }
        public string Fullname { get; set; }

Insert a model

var record = new tblUser {
	Id = 1,
	FName = "Sangeeth",
	LName = "Nandakumar"
var primaryKey = SqlHelper.Insert < tblUser > (record, _connectionString);

Update a model

record = new tblUser {
	Id = 1,
	FName = "Navaneeth",
	LName = "Nandakumar"
var isUpdated = SqlHelper.Update < tblUser > (record, _connectionString);

Run a query

var sql1 = $ "SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE Id=1";
var result = SqlHelper.Query < tblUser > (sql1, _connectionString).FirstOrDefault();

Run a safe query (Parameterised query)

var sql2 = $ "SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE Id=@id AND Fname=@fname";
result = SqlHelper.QuerySafe < tblUser > (sql2, new {
	id = 1,
	fname = "Navaneeth"

Run a stored procedure

var procedureName = $ "spGetUsers";
result = SqlHelper.Execute < tblUser > (procedureName, new {
	id = 1