
A Topic/Event based Publish-Subscribe model implemented in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Topic and Event based Publish/Subscribe Model

By Sangeeth Saravanaraj


The Event Manager provides a centralized hub for publishing and subscribing to (a combination of) topics and events


  • Producer produces an event on a particular topic by calling EventManager.publish(topic, event, arguments-to-the-event-handlers)
  • Consumer subscribes to an event on a particular topic by calling EventManager.subscribe(topic, event, event_handler, exception_handler). When the event occurs, the event_handler is called (or exception_handler whenever an exception occurs!)


  • Produces and Consumers are independent (IOW absolutely NO dependency) - The event manager works in a way where the producer need not be aware of the existence of the subscribers and the subscribers need not be aware of the existence of the producers
  • The communication (publish and subscribe) includes two components; #1 topics (higher level) #2 events (lower level). Read further down on topics and events.
  • Ability to handle higher volumes of subscriptions!
  • Provides logging and debugging at various levels. Ability to print the internal data structures like subscription table and subscription look up table
  • Provides statistics - total number of hits on topics, events, event_handler, exception_handler and subscription record.
  • No Mixins or multiple inheritance. 
  • Supports (limited) globbing on both topic and event.
  • Easier way to add/remove/modify events

What is a topic?

The zero coupling between the producer and consumer are achieved by supporting topics. A topic is a high(er) level category of communication. A topic identifies a "publisher" or a "module" that publishes a particular event. For example: "class Database" can publish under topic "database". But "class MongoDB(Database)" can publish under topic "MongoDB". Currently there are no restriction on who can publish on what topic. IOW any publisher can publish on any topic. The topics are not predefined. They are dynamically created when the publisher publishes for the first time or a subscriber subscriber for the first time (using that topic), and the topics stays for ever! 

What is an event?

An event is an occurrence of a particular predefined incident. For example: DatabaseStartEvent and DatabaseStopEvent are predefined events for starting and stopping any database. An event should be published under a particular topic. For example: EventManager.publish(topic="MongoDB", event="DatabaseStartEvent", db_name=self.db_name, db_type=self.db_type, db_username=self.username, db_pwd=self.password) is an event published under topic="MongoDB" and should be published in "class MongoDB(Database)::start()". An event (during publish) can take any number of arguments with it!  

What is publish?

EventManager.publish(topic="", event="", **kwargs) Any publisher/producer calls publish() method to publish an event on a particular topic. Whenever a publish() is called, the event manager queries the subscription (look-up) table based on topic and events and get a list of subscribers who has subscribed for that particular topic and event, and fires their event_handler() functions. A publisher can pass any number of supporting arguments for that event (and topic) to the subscribers event handler functions (**kwargs). It is up to the subscribers event handler functions to use them or ignore them. 

What is Subscribe?

EventManager.subscribe(topic="", event="", event_handler="", exception_handler="") Any subscriber/consumer calls subscribe() to register their subscription for a particular topic and event. The subscribe() (all) parameters takes non None values; event could be a predefined event; event_handler and execption_handler must be callables. Whenever a subscribe is done, the event manager creates an entry of this subscription in the subscriber (look-up) table. 

What is unsubscribe?

EventManager.unsubscribe(topic="", event="", event_handler="", exception_handler="")

The unsubscribe() takes all non None values. When unsubscribe() is called, the event manager look up for a subscription record for the given parameters in the subscriber table and removes the entry if present. Else no action is performed. 


A particular consumer/subscriber may have subscribed to various topics and events and could have used a single event_handler for all the processing. In this scenario, the unsubscribe_all() would come in handy to unsubscribe all the subscription that is made for a particular event handler. 

What is an event_handler and exception_handler?

The event handler is a function/method in the subscribers scope which is called whenever a particular topic and event occurred/published. When any exception is encountered while executing event handler, then the exception handlers are called with that exception. Both event and exception handlers must be callables. The event handler and exception handler must have the following prototypes:

def event_handler(topic, event, **kwargs):
def exception_handler(e, topic, event, **kwargs):

What are the data structures used?

###Subscription record:

A subscription record is a namedtuple (Python collections) which is created for each and every call to the subscribe() method. The subscription record constitutes of four components - topic, event, event_handler and execption_handler. A subscription record looks as follows:

Subscription(topic='', event='', event_handler=<event-handler-function>, exception_handler=<exception-handler-function>)

###Subscription table: A subscription table is a Python List which contains zero or more subscription record (namedtuple). class EventManager::__sub_table is the subscription table. The subscribe() adds subscription record to the subscription table, publish() look-up a subscription record from the subscription table and unsubscribe() and unsubscribe_all() removes one or more subscription record from the subscription table. As the subscription table is a List the worst case look-up time would be O(n) and to reduce the look-up time, we need a new data structure which is subscription look-up table

###Subscription look-up table: A subscription look-up table is a Python Dictionary. The keys are topic, event, event_handler and exception_handler. At any point in time, the subscription look-up table will contain only four entries. The value of each and every key is a defaultdict(list) [Python collections] which contains the index of the subscriber record in the subscription table.

EventManager.__sub_lookup_table = {
    "topic" : defaultdict({"topic1":[1,3,10], "topic2":[0,2,7]}),
    "event" : defaultdict({"event1":[1,2,3], "event2":[4,5,6]}),
    "event_handler" : defaultdict({"evhdlr1":[1], "evthdlr2":[2], "evthdlr3":[5,6]}),
    "exception_handler" : defaultdict({"exchdlr1":[1], "exchdlr2":[3], "exchdlr3":[5,7]})

For example - "topic" : defaultdict({"topic1":[1,3,10], "topic2":[0,2,7]}), means the subscription records which are located at EventManager.__sub_table[1]EventManager.__sub_table[3] and EventManager.__sub_table[10] are subscribed to topic "topic1"

This will help us fetch the records quickly i.e. I believe it is O(log n) < here < O(n)  Pending: Mathematical proof for this time complexity!

##How to get the statistics? ###Subscribe: To get the current state of the subscription table and subscription look-up table, call EventManager.dump_sub_table()

###Publish: To get information on how many times a topic, event, event_handler, exception_handler and subscription record is called, run EventManager.dump_all_stats()

##Globbing The new event manager supports globbing for topics and events. The only supported wild-card character (as of now) is "*". The "*" can appear at the beginning, middle and end of a topic or event. The globbing is supported only in the subscribe() [actually it does not make any sense to have globbing in publish()]. The following are some examples of globbing:

  • topic="*" and event=*" : subscribe to all the events from all the topics
  • topic="*" and event="ChangeOfValueEvent" : subscribe to "ChangeOfValueEvent" event from all the topics
  • topic="*DB" and event="DatabaseStartEvent" : subscribe to "DatabaseStartEvent" event from all topics that ends with "DB" which includes topics like "MongoDB", "CassandraDB", "OracleDB" etc
  • topic="Scheduler" and event="*" : subscribe to all events from the topic "Scheduler"

##What has been tested? Pretty much each and every component has been tested. The stress test is available at tests/stress_test.py


  • Optimize lookup; perhaps new data structure to replace subscription look-up table
  • Better locking mechanism - do we need lock while publishing? Lock() vs Rlock()
  • Better display format for stats/subscribe-table
  • Should we make this library into a process? 
  • Serialize and send event information over the network (basically event is a string with some variable length argument list) - find out tools and packages which supports this! 
  • Globbing: support $, ^, +, etc 

##Logging tail -f /tmp/EventManager.log