
Y24-359 - A new manifest to create control plates

SHIV5T3R opened this issue · 0 comments

User story
With the addition of fixed placement of controls when cherrypicking, creating control plates is more complex and has a few more steps. This is because the placement type of a control plate is now stored as custom metadata linking to the plate. When creating the plate, the records for the new metadata needs to be created in the rails console.

A new method for creating control plates would make things easier for users but also developers because we currently need to do some configuration on behalf of the user.

Who are the primary contacts for this story
Katy, Shiv

Who is the nominated tester for UAT

Acceptance criteria
To be considered successful the solution must allow:

  • Creating a control plate (possibly using a new manifest)
  • Automatically changing the plate type to a control plate
  • Creating control plates with both a control or fixed placement type
  • Adding the required records to the CustomMetadata table

This story has a non-blocking relationship with:

Additional context
You can see the steps needed to create control plates on this confluence page

For a control plate to be listed under the select box in the cherrypick UI, it will need to have the custom metadata key control_placement_type with a value of either 'fixed' or 'random'.