This repository contains a Node.js Express.js project for managing a collection of books with role-based authentication and authorization. The project includes CRUD operations for books, user authentication with JWT tokens, and robust validation and error handling.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables: Create a
file in the root directory and add the following variables:port=3000 mongo_url=your_mongodb_connection_string key=your_jwt_secret
Run the application:
npm start
- Role-based authentication using JWT tokens.
- User roles: Admin, Author, Reader.
- Admin has access to all CRUD operations for books.
- Author can create, update, and view books.
- Reader can only view and read books.
- Middleware to verify JWT tokens and enforce role-based permissions for each route.
- Validation for "Book" entity fields using
. - Ensure required fields such as title and author are validated.
- Handle validation errors gracefully and return appropriate error messages and status codes.
- MongoDB schema for "Book" entity:
- Fields: title, author, coverPage, year.
- User schema for handling roles and authentication.
- File upload for the book's cover page using free storage services.
- Middleware to log incoming requests, including method, URL, and timestamp.
- Apply logging middleware to all routes.
- Error handling middleware to catch errors during request processing.
- Return meaningful error messages and appropriate status codes in response to errors.
Register New User:
POST /user/register Content-Type: multipart/form-data Body: { "name": "User Name", "email": "User Email", "role": "Admin / Author / Reader", "password": "Password" }
Login User:
GET /user/login Body: { "email": "User Email", "password": "Password" }
Create a new book (Admin/Author):
POST /book/add Authorization: Bearer <token> Content-Type: multipart/form-data Body: { "title": "Book Title", "author": "Author Name", "coverPage": "Image URL", "year": 2021 }
Get all books (Admin/Author/Reader):
GET /book Authorization: Bearer <token>
Update a book (Admin/Author):
PUT /book/:id Authorization: Bearer <token> Content-Type: application/json Body: { "title": "Updated Title", "author": "Updated Author", "year": 2022 }
Delete a book (Admin):
DELETE /book/:id Authorization: Bearer <token>
Get book detail (Admin/Author/Reader):
GET /book/:id Authorization: Bearer <token>
: The port on which the server listens (default: 3000).MONGODB_URI
: Connection string for the MongoDB database.JWT_SECRET
: Secret key for signing JWT tokens.
- express
- mongoose
- jsonwebtoken
- express-validator
- jsonwebtoken
- dotenv
- cors
- bcrypt
- nodemon
This project is licensed under the MIT License.