
Backend of Mock Test - 10

Primary LanguageJavaScript

POST - /api/register - This endpoint should allow users to register.

  • Body : { "name : "name", "email" : "email", "password" : "password" }

  • Result : Registered

POST - /api/login - This endpoint should allow users to login.

  • Body : { "email" : "email", "password" : "password" }

  • Result : { "msg": "Login Successful", "token": "token" }

GET - /api/flights - This endpoint should return a list of all available flights.

  • Result : Flight Array

GET - /api/flights/:id - This endpoint should return the details of a specific flight identified by its ID.

  • Result : Single Flight

POST - /api/flights - This endpoint should allow users to add new flights to the system.

  • Body : { "airline": "airline", "flightNo": "flightNo", "departure": "departure", "arrival": "arrival", "departureTime": "departureTime", "arrivalTime": "arrivalTime", "seats": 50, "price": 3578 }

  • Result : Added new Flight

PATCH - /api/flights/:id - This endpoint should allow users to update the details of a specific flight identified by its ID.

  • Body : { "seats": 45, "price": 34564 }

  • Result : Updated Flight with id no

DELETE - /api/flights/:id - This endpoint should allow users to delete a specific flight identified by its ID.

  • Result : Deleted Flight with id no

POST - /api/booking - This endpoint should allow the user to book flights.

  • Body : { "flight": "flightid" }

  • Result : Added new Booking

GET - /api/dashboard - This point should list all the bookings so far with the user and flight details.

  • Result : Booking Array