Aspiring Full Stack Web Developer having knowledge of 🌐HTML, ❇️CSS, JavaScript, ⚛️React, Redux, and Chakra UI, and still working to build new skills.
Bangalore, Karnataka
sanghamitra0591's Followers
- Abhi0049k@kalvium
- Abineshfullstack11
- AntonRomanenkov
- arupx3492Masai School
- BlueUnicorn0805Sagri
- CarlosAlexandre197Brasília - Brasil
- Charles-ChrismannInstitut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM)
- codinghempAmerica/Austin
- connectit2anandBengaluru
- D4FiFreeLance
- ethanflower1903san francisco
- hard-to-smart
- jackberesonBlockify
- jaglux12PizzaCode
- JsIqbalDZ
- khushijohri2001Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- MadhukarKakadeBeed, Maharashtra India
- Malik04121Mumbai,India
- mustafacagriPitcherAG
- Nakshatra05Delhi, India
- P5YCH111
- Pallavinatraj
- sanamhubSingapore Ecommerce App
- sandeshjadhav5Masai School
- seniorvuejsdeveloperVue Companies
- sharathnair1997Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- SidlyfMasai School
- Suvam778781Bookingjini Pvt LTD
- thisisjeffsnowPenquis
- TynabYAN
- uniwaydevOsaka, Japan
- VinayRinaitFleapo
- vishvesprabakar@Ericsson