
I have done small POC of running flink session cluster o K8S using dockerfile

Primary LanguageShell


I have done small POC of running flink session cluster o K8S using dockerfile

Here, I have performed following steps:

  1. tried to create "DockerfileJob" for JobManager which uses "docker-entrypoint-job.sh" to run jobmanager.sh and flink job via command
    line .Then this image I have is "flink_task:v1" using this command

    $ docker image build --file DockerfileJob --tag flink_job:v1 .
  2. I created "DockerfileTask" for TaskManager which run taskmanager.sh and image is "flink_task:v1"

  3. Now, I used flink_job:v1 image inside "jobmanager-deployment.yaml" which uses "docker-entrypoint-task.sh" and creates pod for JobManager with required ports and volume mount

  4. Use flink_task:v1 image inside "taskmanager-deployment.yaml" and gave replica = 2, to create 2 pods for TaskManager

  5. I also created "flink-configuration-configmap.yaml" which creare configuration files like

    1. log4j.properties
    2. log4j-cli.properties ( usefule to add this configuration when we are running flink job on command line)
    3. flink-conf.yaml for heap size, rpc port,task slots realted details
  6. File "jobmanager-service.yaml" which create Service that exposes rpc and UI port for jobmanager

  7. In my POC, I was using Docker-Desktop running on my mac machine

  8. Then ran commands to create pods $ kubectl create -f jobmanager-service.yaml

    $ kubectl get service

     NAME               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
     flink-jobmanager   ClusterIP   10.10x.xx.96   <none>        6123/TCP,6124/TCP,8081/TCP   17s

    $ kubectl create -f jobmanager-deployment.yaml

     deployment.extensions/flink-jobmanager created

    $ kubectl create -f taskmanager-deployment.yaml

     deployment.extensions/flink-taskmanager created

    $ kubectl get pod

       NAME                                READY        STATUS        RESTARTS         AGE
       flink-jobmanager-6b8fc8dc9b-lzfr5   1/1          Running             0          72s
       flink-taskmanager-86c87cb4b-b6ld4   0/1          ContainerCreating   0          68s
       flink-taskmanager-86c87cb4b-bncb4   0/1          ContainerCreating   0          68s
  9. Then I did port forwarding to view results in Flink UI which runs on 8081, hence I used job-manager-pod as we got above

     $ kubectl port-forward flink-jobmanager-6b8fc8dc9b-lzfr5 8083:8081 

    -> as 8081 port of localhost was already in use , I used 8083

    Then on my browser, I did localhost:8083 and boom !!!!

  10. Some commands I found useful

    $ kubectl exec flink-jobmanager-6b8fc8dc9b-lzfr5 -it /bin/bash -> to look inside pod
     $  kubectl describe pod flink-jobmanager-6b8fc8dc9b-lzfr5
    $ docker container run --name flinkcontainer1  -p 8085:8081 -p 6125:6123 flink_job:v1 
    $ docker images --no-trunc --format '{{.ID}} {{.CreatedSince}}' //Remove docker images since x time