ES6 Marionette project
Looking for boilerplate projects to start working with ECMAScript 6 I didn't found a project that fit my requirements, so I take the best part of other projects and put all together here. This project can be used to bootstrap new projects with ECMAScript 6 support.
This is an implementation of Clean ES6 Project integrating Backbone.Marionette to the stack.
What's inside
Batteries included:
- Gulp
- Browserify
- Babelify
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Underscore
- Backbone
- Marionette
- Handlebars
- BrowserSync
- Karma
- Mocha, Chai, Sinon
Includes Marionette shim for Marionette.Radio instead Wreqr. See: Deprecation notes and Backbone.Radio documentation.
Clone the repository and install the dependencies.
$ git clone my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run serve
If you want to build the project run.
$ npm run build
It will compile the project and put the result under dist
directory. You can run the compiled project also.
$ npm run serve-dist
Two options exists to run tests, the first one is for development process and aims to practice Test Driven Development.
$ npm run tdd
It will open a Google Chrome instance and run all tests on it, when a file is updated tests will be run again. You can see the rests as a notification or in the console. The other option to run tests is for Continuous Integration purposes, it will run all the tests against PanthomJS and output a jUnit format file for analysis.
$ npm test
You can get the results at .tmp/test-results.xml
If you have ideas or find an error feel free to submit a PR.
Licensed under the MIT license.