

Mostly I use a single termux tab to open tmux, and launch everything in that tmux.


zsh      - shell
nvim     - file editor, makrdown/vimwiki
ranger   - file manager
newsboat - RSS subscription (news, blog, youtube, reddit, github)


After installation, use tmux-launcher in zsh to start

Major Use Cases

Personally, I use termux to:

  1. Pull and test code (golang/shell scripts mostly); fix bugs and commit.
  2. Login to remote machines (zsh → SSH)
  3. Write some quick markdown notes (vimwiki + markdown plugins) and render in browser
  4. Preview RSS feeds and open them in browser/newpipe/reddit app

Launcher / Window switching

  1. termux widget shortcuts (on android launcher screen)
  2. bin/tmux-launcher script (in tmux)
  3. touch/click on tmux tab (only for switching)
  4. ranger (open files in vim or start zsh)


I use termux-widget for shortcuts, corresponding to the apps listed above. Apps can be opened and closed in any order, and their tmux tabs will be put in a pre-defined order. The shortcut scripts have to run in the foreground to bring Termux app to foreground with a new tab. They finishes instantly so termux switches back to the last tab which is tmux. The tmux tab/window would have been changed to the desired app already.


android apps

Before you begin, install termux:style. Choose any powerline font as you wish; personally I use Meslo. In termux, long press and release → More... → Style → CHOOSE FONT → Meslo.

termux packages

pkg install git tmux neovim zsh ranger newsboat fzf fasd bat curl

Change zsh to your default shell:

chsh -s zsh

exit, open termux again and you should be in zsh instead of bash

oh-my-zsh & plugins

oh-my-zsh should be installed before copying the dotfiles.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"


git clone https://github.com/zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting.git \


git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

zsh plugins can slow down your shell prompt a bit; consider removing them from .zshrc plugins=(...) if it is too slow for you.

(I cannot find the source for zle-vi-visual at the mean while. I think it was made back in the days when zsh didn't support vi visual mode or text objects properly. I will find a way to upload it or just remove it from .zshrc.)

copy the dotfiles

If you already have any of the dotfiles, just backup or merge the files before continuing.

git clone https://github.com/sangowen/termux-dotfiles
cd termux-dotfiles/
cp -r .config .fzf .newsboat .shortcuts .termux .tmux-themepack .tmux.conf .zshrc .profile bin ../

cp .oh-my-zsh/themes/gruvbox.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/gruvbox.zsh-theme 
cd data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc
cp zprofile profile zshrc /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/



  1. vi key binding for most of the components.


  1. Other than the ctrl+b default prefix, I set backtick as my secondary prefix. The backtick key can then be put in extra-keys.


  1. s for zsh in current folder
  2. → or on files to edit in neovim
  3. z is fasd, jump around recently/frequently visited folers
  4. bat for file preview


  1. qq for quit