
Note The instructions have been customized for this Workshop.

Clone the Repo

git clone https://github.com/sangramrath/OSIWorkShop2023.git

Run Squidex locally using Containers

  1. Navigate to the backend folder
cd OSIWorkShop2023/backend
  1. Review the docker-compose-noproxy.yml and .env files. (For this workshop no changes are required)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-noproxy.yml up -d
  1. Launch a browser and access Squidex at http://localhost:5000.

Login using the credentials in the .env file.

Create the HOTELS sample app

  1. Click the Starter Sample Hotels tile.
  2. Provide a name for the app, for this workshop use the name osi-event-hotels.
  3. Click Create.

Follow the instructor for a walkaround of the Squidex Headless CMS

Retrieve Squidex app details for the frontend

Navigate to [APP] > Settings > Clients to make a note of the following:

  1. Client Id
  2. Client Secret

Run the code through containers

  1. Navigate to the frontend code folder at OSIWorkShop2023\frontend
  2. Edit the src/service/index.js file to update the url, appName, clientId and clientSecret values with actual values from the Squidex App. (For this workshop only the client secret needs to be updated)
export const CONFIG = !DEV ? {
    url: 'http://localhost:5000',
    appName: 'osi-event-hotels',
    clientId: 'osi-event-hotels:default',
    clientSecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
} : {
    url:  'http://localhost:5000',
    appName: 'osi-event-hotels',
    clientId: 'osi-event-hotels:default',
    clientSecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  1. Start the container using the following command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
  1. Launch a browser and access the frontend at http://localhost:3000.