
This repository houses Excel and Matlab files to treat data on economic growth issues. The idea is to generate figures and run estimations following Acemoglu's book and Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992). It does not pretend to replicate them exactly, but just propose an approximation with new data from 1960 to 2019.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

📈 Economic growth

This repository houses Excel and Matlab files to process data from Penn World Table (PWT10.0) and Maddison Project Database (MPD2020). With these files, I replicate figures and run regressions as in Acemoglu (2009) and Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992).

If you have questions, please contact me by email at: carlosrojasquiroz@gmail.com

The repository has the following files:


PWT14032021.xlsx: data for replicating figures from Acemoglu's book. Data from PWT10.0, MPD2020 and Barro-Lee dataset.

Graphs_GDPpc.m: script to generate those figures.

GDPpc_1870_2018.mat: data for replicating exercises from Baumol and De Long on inconditional convergence. Data from MPD2020.

ConvergenceGraphs.m: script to generate those figures.

DataBaseGrowth14032021.xlsx: data for running regressions as in MRW's paper. I do not pretend to replicate exactly them since I use different data samples than the paper. Data from PWT10.0, MPD2020 and Barro-Lee dataset.

FitSolowData.m: script to generate OLS estimates (see "TablaX" object for the results).

ContributiontoGrowth14032021.xlsx: database to calculate contribution to growth exercises from PWT10.0 data.

ContributionToGrowth.m: script to generate stacked bar figures with data on contribution to growth.

ols.m and ols2.m: functions to run OLS regressions (with different outputs).