Docker 환경에 Radiko 녹음 서버를 구성합니다.
(서버는 일본지역 내에 있어야 하며, IP 인식지역 이외 방송 녹음을 위해서는 프리미엄 등록이 필요합니다)
# save repository
git clone
cd docker-radiko-recorder
# install github cli or latest ffmpeg build url
# install github cli
# get url from release page
# search to ffmpeg-nx.x-latest-linux64-gpl-x.x.tar.xz (not master-latest) and copy url that
# set environment variable (for url)
# if install github cli
gh auth login
FFMPEG_URL=$( gh api --jq '.assets[8]."browser_download_url"' -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" /repos/yt-dlp/FFmpeg-Builds/releases/latest )
# if just copy url
FFMPEG_URL=(paste that url)
# Build radiko Recording Server
docker build --build-arg FFMPEG_LATEST_URL=$FFMPEG_URL --tag (image name):(image version) .
# Build radiko Recording Server Example
docker build --build-arg FFMPEG_LATEST_URL=$FFMPEG_URL --tag radiko_recorder:1.1 .
# recording example
docker run --rm -v (save dir):/var/radiko (image name):(image version) FMJ 60 $RADIKO_LOGIN $RADIKO_PASSWORD
# recording example(joqr)
docker run --rm -v /recorder:/var/radiko radiko_recorder:1.1 QRR 31 $RADIKO_LOGIN $RADIKO_PASSWORD