

Primary LanguageVHDL

1. Setting up the environment 
	(1) run init_xbsv.sh . This will git clone xbsv, fpgamake and buildcache
	projects from the xbsv git repos.
	(2) Building can be done in the respective project directory. For example,
		building the [test] project for vc707 can be done like the following:
		cd project/test
		make build.vc707

2. Code structure
	Only some special directories can exist on the top level. The following are
	the special directories:
	[tools] : generated by init_xbsv.sh . Includes xbsv, fpgamake and buildcache
	[projects] : Projects with separate makefiles and such
	[src] : BSV and C++ (and other) source code that are hopefully
	[xilinx] : xilinx cores/verilog files and related BSV files
	[controller] : files for the artix7 chip on the flash board

	the following are some directories that are deprecated, but I was hesitant
	to delete yet:
	[config] : some config makefiles that could be included by older projects.
		Maybe some future projects too
	[flashemul], [simple] : projects for an older version of xbsv. Read if you